Bustling with commerce. the Alecrim, in
the city of Natal, is the city's center of informal
economy. In the heart of the Alecrim, the commercial
corridor known as the Shopene serves as the pulse of
economic activity, and serves as a major supplier of
goods and services for a great number of the
disenfranchised population. The official discourse
often situates the Alecrim as a marginal neighborhood,
however its contribution to the economy of Natal is
overwhelmingly significant. It serves as a meeting
point, center of popular culture and life, vibrantly
on display. The marketplace bursts with the vitality
of its participants, looking for or making a good
deal, in its myriad of colors, flavors, expressions,
gestures, humor, creative negotiations; though also
present, are its grit, its injustices and sadness.
Through the photographic lens, this project captures
the complexity of this stage, with its milenar traces
--- the Street Marketplace. These five photographs are
portraits of some of the women who compose this stage.
Date of work
2006 |
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El Alecrim,es el bullicioso centro del comercio
informal de la ciudad de Natal. El corredor comercial
llamado el Shopene es el que marca el pulso de la
actividad económica y sirve como el mayor proveedor de
bienes y servicios para un gran número de personas. El
discurso oficial considera a el Alecrim como un barrio
marginado, sin embargo su contribución a la economía
de Natal es tremendamente grande. sirve también como
lugar de encuentro y centro de la vida y cultura
populares. El mercado refleja la vitalidad de un
pueblo, hay estallidos de olores y colores,
expresiones y gestos, las negociaciones se realizan
confrenesí y creatividad, aunque tambiés hallamos la
suciedad, la injusticia y la tristeza. Este proyecto
captura la complejidad de un escenario milenario: el
Mercado callejero.
Fecha de realización
2006 |