Documentary/Documental: Andres Garcia

  Andres Garcia
Costa Rica

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  From the serie
The everyday labrynth
  De la serie
El laberinto de lo cotidiano
Digital photography
| Técnica
Fotografía digital

This proyect revolves around my own perception and interpretation of living day after day in a condition of multiple needs, in a state of poverty. This is small extract from a final edition of 21 images of the photographic work that I have done during this last year. During this period I have taken on the task of attemping to construct a photo essay in which two main concepts are explored. On one side I poverty see in a mataphorical way, poverty as a laberinth, dark, dangerous, narrow,claustrophobic, with countless obstacles and with an exit that few or no one knows with accuracy where it lies. On the other hand I was moved by what I found in the midst of all the tense, dark and negative atmosphere which surrounds this extreamelly poor region of San Jose, Costa Rica. I found families which rely on love, respect, compasion and dignity to withstand the pressures and hardships which their day to day life brings them under the implications of lifetime in poverty.

Date of work
july 2005 - 2006

Este proyecto gira alrededor de mi percepción e interpretación de lo que es vivir a diario en la pobreza, en condiciones precarias. Esta es una pequeña muestra de una serie de 21 imágenes que resumen mi trabajo del año pasado. he trabajado sobre dos conceptos principales, poruna parte la pobreza vista como un oscuro y peligroso laberinto, estrecho y claustrofóbico con innumerables obstáculos y una salida que nadie sabe bien donde se encuentra. Por otra parte me conmovió lo que hallé en medio del oscuro y tenso ambiente de esta parte de San José en Costa Rica. Encontré familias que se apoyan en el amor, respeto, compasión y dignidad para soportar las presiones y dificultades de una vida sumida en la pobreza.




Fecha de realización
julio 2005 - 2006



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