Photography. The first four is B/W, and the last one
color./ Analogue. Photoshoped.
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Fotografía análoga BYN y color, Photoshop
This work mainly consists of pictures about a young
girl’s life. The small moments, the in-between
moments. The emotional journey of finding your own
sexuality. The nights with burlesque thoughts that
appear when being young and seeking, insecure but
still strong. On the road of finding your own identity
about what it means being a woman.
Date of work
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Este trabajo consiste principalmente en la vida de una
joven mujer, sobre esos pequeños momentos entre
momentos, sobre la travesía emocional que es descubrir
la propia sexualidad, las noches con pensamientos
burlones, el ser joven y estar buscando, ser insegura
pero fuerte, el camino para hallar la propia identidad
y lo que significa ser mujer.
Fecha de realización