Hasidic wedding of the year.
Tens of thousands of Ultra-Orthodox turned out to witness the wedding of 19-year-old Aharon Noah Alter, the grandson of Yaakov Ari Alter, chief Rabbi and leader of the Gur sect of Ultra-Orthodox, to a 19-year-old woman named Rahel Weistock and to celebrate afterwards. The wedding was held outdoors in Jerusalem on February 27, 2007.
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La boda hasidica del año.
Decenas de miles de extremistas ortodoxos asistieron a la boda de Aharon Noah Alter, de 19 años, nieto de Yaakov Ari Alter, Rabino en jefe y líder de la ultra ortodoxa secta Gur, con Rahel Weistock, de 19 años. La fiesta, al aire libre, tuvo lugar el 27 de febrero de 2007 en Jerusalén.