Inspired by the Impressionists a century before, Andy Davies creates
textured vignettes that capture timeless moments of natural beauty.
Sharply attuned to the interface of land and sea, he uses his art
to explore the many facets of that environment, encouraging the
viewer to appreciate it with different eyes than before. Far from
being remote records of nature's splendour, his subtle images strike
a responsive chord in all who see them.
The sea has always held Andy in its spell that was first cast during
long childhood summer holidays on Gower. This magnetic attraction
has now drawn him to live close to the sea in the beautiful Pembrokeshire
Coast National Park from which he draws limitless inspiration.
Date of work: 2003 |
Imspirado por los impresionistas de hace un siglo. Andy Davies crea
viñetas con textura que capturan esos momentos de belleza
natural fuera del tiempo. Finamente armonizado a la interfaz del
mar y la tierra, utiliza su arte para explorar las muchas facetas
de ese entorno animando al espectador a apreciarlas con ojos distintos.
Lejos de ser registros remotos del esplendor de la Naturaleza, sus
sutiles imágenes tocan a todo aquel que las ve.
El mar siempre ha hechizado a Andy desde aquellas largas vacaciones
veraniegas infantiles en Gower. Esta atracción magnética
lo ha llevado a vivir cerca del mar en el hermoso Parque Nacional
Costero de Pembrokeshire de donde obtiene una ilimitada inspiración.
Fecha: 2003. |