Experimental: Helen Golden

Helen Golden
USA / Estados Unidos

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| Título
Most of my current work is partially or totally created with the use of computer technology. I scan photographs, (or etchings, drawings and real objects) and then begin to work on the digitized information. After the work is printed I might alter the surface by collaging elements onto it or by using pastels and colored pencils on it.
| Técnica
La mayor parte del trrabajo es creado con la ayuda de la computadora, escaneo fotos (o bosquejos, dibujos u objetos),una vez impresos altero la superficie utilizando pasteles y lápices de color.

I have always been a maker of all kinds of artwork.
A while back, a reluctant me experimented with using the computer to create art and I was immediately and totally captivated. Now the new graphic technology tools have turned me into a digital/mixed-media or “tradigital” fine-artist who creates work using both traditional and new technology tools


Siempre he creado todo tipo de arte.
Hace algún tiempo experimenté de mala gana con las computadoras, pero inmediatamente me cautivó. Ahora la nuevas herramientas gráficas me han convertido en una artista de medios digitales que utiliza tanto medios tradicionales como digitales.



e-mail: hsgolden@aol.com, info@helengolden.com

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