Landscape/Paisaje: Eugenio Opitz

Eugenio Opitz

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The Cobra
| Título
La cobra

Every artist expects to translate the language of the world into the language of his or her own art, as the world is like a complex figure and it is the artist who must reveal the mystery and renew, with his/her vision, all that can be absorbed by the senses. Through photography I try to transmit to the viewer all the beauty inherent to nature so that he or she can grasp the emotion that a wooded landscape, or an ocean or desert scene seen through light playing with grays and contrast, can evoke.


Todo artista pretende traducir el lenguaje del mundo al lenguaje de su arte, el mundo es pues compleja cifra y es el artista quien debe develar el misterio y renovar con visión todo lo que es sensible a los sentidos. Pretendo mediante la fotografía transmitir al espectador la belleza de la naturaleza, captar la emoción que proporciona un paisaje boscoso, marino o desértico a través de la luz, jugando con los grises y los contrastes.

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