Portrait/Retrato: María Eugenia Alonso

  María Eugenia Alonso

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With one gaze we analize, with another we invent, both are what remains of that wonderful imagination...


Una mirada analiza, otra inventa, y ambas son los restos de aquella imaginación maravillosa...


I relive today those moments of flowing imagination, and the ordinary is revealed by fantastic stories...


Hoy revivo, esos momentos de fluidez imaginaria, y lo ordinario se revela en historias fantásticas...


Those memories emerge to be relived again and connect the senses like those of a child...

To share with them that image-liberating gaze and safeguard it forever.


Surgen esos recuerdos para volver a ser vividos y conectar los sentidos como un niño...

Compartir con él esa mirada liberadora de imágenes y resguardarla para siempre.


e-mail: eugenialonso@hotmail.com


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