symbols are near us in our everyday lives.
I do not declare myself deeply religious i have noticed that my
family and i use religious objects in times where we need to pray.
Objects such as the rosery, the crusifixtion, and posters of the
Virgen de Guadalupe. I was influenced by dramatic lighting seen
during the Baroque period with religious paintings, like artists
such as Velazques and Carvaggio. This is adapted in highlighting
the dramatization of my photographs.
March-may 2003.
símbolos religiosos están en nuestra cercanía
en la vida cotidiana. No me declaro particualrmente religiosa.
He notado que mi familia y yo usamos objetos religiosos cuando
necesitamos rezar.
Objetos como el rosario, el crucifijo y posters de la Virgen de
Guadalupe. Fui influida por la dramática iluminación
de las pinturas religiosas del Barroco en artistas como Velazquez
y Caravaggio y la adapto para realzar el efecto dramático
en mis fotos.
2003. |