Pinhole PhotographyJorge Monaco

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Pinhole photography is one more tool I have at my disposal, it's a different way of approaching my subject matter.

There is something playful in its usage. It is a means of going back to the sources. It is intuitive and expressive. It is contemplative.

For some, the evolution of technology has left human beings behind, denaturalizing the photographic act; pinhole photography confronts this kind of technocratic thinking.

An important aspect is the possibility of designing and constructing cameras, which is a way of not being subject to the consumer culture imposed by the camera industry.

Pinhole photography has limitations, as every system does, but it has its own irreplaceable features that are its source of strength. Pinhole images are formed by small circles that provide it with a peculiar softness. It has a central perspective, which optics does not confer to photographic images.

Pinhole photography registers time in a different way. Conventional cameras freeze time; pinhole cameras record what happens over a period of time. Pinhole images do not register moments or situations, they generate them.

There are several themes I like to document through the use of pinhole techniques; I feel comfortable photographing architectural themes with the camera obscura, something I rarely did with conventional photography.

I am primarily interested in humble dwellings and in those constructed with rustic or noble materials, such as clay and stone, which share an affinity with the nature of pinhole photography.