Sunday, May 31:

June 1-7 Watsonville, CA
Theme: farm labor issues, migrant politics and grass-roots activism,
migrant culture in the Golden State

June 8: Travel

June 9-13 Los Angeles, CA.
(technical stop)

June 14: Travel

June 15-June 21 Norwalk, Wisconsin
Theme: interracial couples, mixed race identity (mexican migrants and
local anglo women married with children; the impact of migration on a
smallupper midwest town)

June 22: Travel

June 23-29 St. Louis, Missouri
Theme: profile of the Chavez family, from Cheran, Michoacan. We've followed this
family for two years, since the death of three of their brothers in anaccident
near the border. the lives of migrants in an urban setting (they livein a mostly
african-american housing project).

June 30: Travel

July 1-7 Warren, Arkansas
Theme: profile of Tapia family. black-mexican-anglo relations, in the context of the deep
south's history of racial tensions.