Art Forum
Art + Technology Net-News
by the
Communication Design Program, Queensland University of Technology
on behalf of the Art, Science and Technology Network (ASTN)
Nisar Keshvani
Carl Loefler: Annick Bureaud
ISEA Proceedings online: Wim van der Plas
AP Electronic Art competitiom: SIGGRAPH Singapore
Women Artists of the Past and Present: Michael Lean
MAAP 01 - cfp: Kim Machan
fAf travelling screening program: nisar keshvani
Dreaming the Future: Clifford Watson
Crumbs: melinda rackham
The Jitters: Julaine Stephenson
PVA-MediaLab Commissions - swipe2001: Mediascot
SIMON READ Odd Times: Malcolm Jones
New York Animation Festival 2001 - cfp: NYAF
Iowa Web Review: Mez Breeze
exhibition/works: Dorothy Krause
Immerse: Leon Waud
ART3000: Daniel Heinonen
Asian Arts Fest 2001 Symposium : Fatima Lasay
Turkish fine arts: H. Avni Oztopcu
switch on/off: marcus neustetter
Very Fun
Park from Taiwan: PICA
Code Conference: Paul Brown
Manifesta 4: e-flux
Inauguration of Sarai: Ravi Sundaram
Life Measure Constructions: New Media Scotland
Candy-coated Kiosk: Julaine Stephenson
Transformers : Arcangel / Nechvatal: Joseph Nechvatal
LIVING ZEROES: New Media Scotland
Conference: Museums & The Web 2001: George Lessard
Diagrams: Smart Graphics: Patrick Olivier
lovebytes2001 programme: Lovebytes
Guggenheim conference: Kevin Murphy
CADE 2001 Conference: John McKay
Lite Show - April In Boston: Fatima
Moderna Museet: Rosemarie Trockel: e-flux
Digital Arts and Culture 2001: Adrian Miles
MAC21 Art Fair & Art-e-mail 2001: MAC21
MDIC2001: Maurizio Tucci
Lancement/launch: Groupe Intervention Video
Ars Electronica
- cfe: Ars Electronica Centre
CYNETart Competition - cfe: Thomas Dumke
RESFEST Digital Film Festival - cfe: Sid Goto
World Wide Video - cfe: Andreas Broeckmann
VSMM2001 Conference - cfp: VSMM Secretariat
Interactive Narrative - cfp: Andrew Mactavish
dart 01 - cfe: Leah Grycewicz
MIAF 2001 - cfe: Melbourne Animation Posse
World Views Residency NY: Thundergulch
STUDIO XX Residency - cfs: Patricia Kearns
Graph Drawing 2001 - cfp&s: Rene Weiskircher
CTHEORY Multimedia: Melinda Rackham
A Virtual Memorial - cfp: Agricola de Cologne
Forum for Internet Technologies: JavaMuseum
QAG Workshop activities: Jenny Fraser
Ed Video Media Arts - cfs: Ed Video
Greek Visual Artists: Alexis Scandalis Genung
Aboriginal New Media - Streaming: Lori Ward
and Access Information
Keshvani (
"What is real? What is false?"
- questions Kong Kam Yoke in fAf's exclusive 14th Singapore
International Film Festival (SIFF) edition This year's festival is themed:"Stranger
than Fiction - The Documentary Film".
Kam Yoke explains: "... wars, genocides and other crimes against
humanity are committed on a daily basis ... Indeed, reality has to begin,
so that we can start accepting the world for what it is, and take the
right action. It is crucial and urgent that reality no longer stays
stranger than fiction."
In her
overview, she provides a reality check focused on documentaries from
the world over - 'Land of Wandering Souls' (Cambodia), 'Mr Death' (USA),
and 'The Gleaners & I' (France).
<Video clips @
This reality is by no means far-fetched. Timely as it may seem, a friend
related how she played a behind-the-scenes video called: "Love
Turkey" < at a gathering.
It depicts
how a church group sends funds and relief to build a help centre after
Turkey's '99 earthquake. Peppered with shots of tearing adults, catastrophe,
and smiling children, her friends found it difficult to accept it. They
began questioning the video's authenticity, and if this was really the
truth. A case of media desensitization - who knows?
Back to art, our April feature catalogues SIFF's installation: 'Fields
of Electronic Desire'. Inspired by the noted French postmodern philosopher
Jean Baudrillard who said "Today, we live in the imaginary world
of the screen ... We too have become screens, and the interactivity
of men has become the interactivity of screens".
It is an exploration of the possibilities of the digital and electronic
media by a group of Singapore-based artists whose imagination extend
beyond the usual concepts of film and video, and of paint and canvas.
This month's
bumper issue carries Fatima Lasay's 'Geo|centr|e|i|city - The Earth
as Center'. She launches her exhibition, in fAf's Gallery next month.
Mez Breeze looks at [website] while Beth reviews
'Web Style Guide'. Joseph Nechvatal enlightens us on 'Computer Virus
Project 2.0', Lasay on 'Gimokud - An Internet Soul Project' and Dean
Bruton provides a first hand report of 'The Australian Effects and Animation
Festival' from Sydney.
Enjoy ...
From: Annick
Subject: Carl Loefler
Dear Friends,
Leonardo received this message from Carl Loefler's wife : Carl Eugene
Loeffler passed away on Feb 5th.
Another of the key person in our field that is gone. Carl co-edited
with Roy Ascott a special issue of Leonardo "Connectivity".
He has been a very important person in the field of what we called at
that time "art of communication" before turning to VR projects.
From: Wim
van der Plas
Subject: ISEA Proceedings online
The Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Electronic Art
(ISEA2000), held in Paris last December and attended by some 2000 participants,
are now available on the Web at: 54 papers, 250 pages,
french and/or english More about ART3000's new activities ?
Singapore Chapter
Subject: Asia Pacific Electronic Art and Animation Competition
Call for Entries
Held in conjunction with BroadcastAsia 2001, ComGraph 2001 is a showcase
of the best Digital Art and Animation
in the Asia-Pacific region. If you have an animation clip that tells
a story, exhibits special computer graphics/animation techniques, or
is just interesting and fun; or a digital art that you want the world
to see, you can enter it in the competition.
Who Can
The competition is open to anyone from countries in the Asia-Pacific
region (including Australia and New Zealand.)
Entry Forms @
Deadline : 7 May 2001.
1) Digital Animation
- Student
- Open
- Broadcast
2) Digital Art
Digital Art is judged as a single category.
Details on ComGraph 2001 Asia Pacific Electronic Art and Animation Competition
can be found at our official ComGraph site:
Seah Hock Soon, Chairman
ACM SIGGRAPH Singapore Chapter
Ph. (65)-790-5443
Fax: (65)-792-6559
From: Michael
Subject: Women Artists of the American West Past and Present
This Website, produced for an online course from Purdue University,
features seventeen collections of women artists of the American West
arranged around four themes: community, identity, spirituality, and
locality. The collections are presented as a series of illustrated essays
and cover the art of both European descendants and Native Americans
in the area. The essays are written by art historians, and all of the
images can be enlarged for detailed viewing.
The collections can be viewed thematically, or visitors can go to the
main index to see all of the collections at once. Individual artists
can also be accessed through the contributors link. Additionally, the
site offers a public discussion forum. The course and Website were developed
by Susan Ressler of Purdue University and Jerrold Maddox of Penn State.
Individuals interested in taking the online course for credit may register
From: Kim
Subject: MAAP 01 - cfp
Multimedia Art Asia Pacific Festival 2001
12-14 October 2001
MAAP is seeking submissions for this years festival from artists relating
to Australia/Asia Pacific regions. We are looking to promote websites,
cd-rom, video and new media forms. The theme for this year is "Excess"
considering the theme of extremes and waste, by-product, recycling media,
minimalism and maximalism. We are also interested to hear of curatorial
proposals and current projects that may partner with the festival.
Submissions by 30th May.
Kim Machan
Festival Director
Multimedia Art Asia Pacific Festival
Ph. 61 7 33487 403
Fax: 61 7 3348 4109
From: Nisar
Subject: fAf Travelling Screening Program ('01-'02)
To celebrate fAf's 15th anniversary in 2002, fAf is curating a 1- hour
digital program consisting of digital, multimedia, film works (2 - 15
minutes) by global artists. The series will give artists/works an opportunity
for "multiple exposure" at various venues globally.
This programme will launch at the Multimedia Art Asia Pacific Festival
in October 2001, travel through various parts of Asia, Europe, UK &
the US before closing at the Singapore International Film Festival in
April/May 2002.
Requirements: Pls include artist statement, brief bio, and format available.
Submission deadline: 15 May 2001
nisar keshvani
fineArt forum
From: Clifford Watson
Subject: Dreaming the Future: The Fantastic Story of Prediction
Clifford Watson's latest book is available:
Dr. Cliff Pickover
From: melinda
Subject: New Website for Media Art Curators
CRUMB - Curatorial Resource for Upstart Media Bliss
A new website for those who exhibit, organise, archive or make new media
art (including Internet art, interactive installations, CD-ROMs, digital
video, etc.)
The site includes:
* Exclusive CRUMB INTERVIEWS on the issues faced by curators when dealing
with new media:
* LINKS to rare new media curating material.
Curatorial Resource for Upstart Media Bliss
Co-Editors -
Beryl Graham:
Sarah Cook:
Ph: +44 191 515 2896
From: Julaine
Subject: David Hatcher The Jitters (NZSE40)
0800 Phantom presents
KIOSK An Oblique Project
David Hatcher The Jitters (NZSE40)
March 31 - April 26 2001
Continuing a series of objects, drawings and videos mooting a nervous
aesthetics of economic space, Hatcher's latest
metaphysical intervention warps the Southern Alps into an index of the
recent performance of New Zealand's blue chip corporations. Part supernatural
gesture, part sublime folly, the conflation of mountain ranges with
markets blurs eons and split seconds to posit an erratic image of time.
Smurf-toned and drastically miniaturised, the work references comic
book displays of power and transformation.
Julaine Stephenson / Oblique Trust
17 Lytton St / Carlton / VIC 3053 / Australia
Ph. +61.410.40 26 30
From: Mediascot
Subject: PVA-MediaLab Commissions - swipe2001 swipe - artists on-line
information and exchange -
PVA MediaLab is committed to developing new technology based creative
work across disciplines.
In 2001 we are inviting proposals from artists and practitioners across
all disciplines, working to the theme of Old Knowledge -
New Technology (OK-NT). Commissioned artists will work in residence
at the MediaLab in Bridport, Dorset between April and September. We
positively encourage applications from those living in West Dorset and
at least one commission will be awarded to an artist resident in the
district or with strong connections to the area.
The Lab
has exhibition/performance space and can support ISDN, web, interactive,
installation, projection and performance-based works. Equipment includes
Macs, PCs, digital video editing and a digital sound studio. All new
work will be profiled at the SWIPE2001 Media Festival in December 2001.
Application deadline: April 6
julie penfold, project manager
the literary and scientific institute
51 east street bridport dorset dt6 3jx
t/f: 01308 459071
From: Michael
August 16 -19, 2001
Four days of ideas, innovation and invention.
Ideas at
the Powerhouse is a major new event to be held in Brisbane this year
which will be sure to stir up debate, discussion and involvement in
issues about our future. Ideas at the Powerhouse will bring together
leading national, international and local thinkers, commentators and
practitioners to present challenging ideas from the fields of science,
justice, religion, education, the arts, politics, economics and design.
Advisors to the project include Mr Phillip Adams, Dale Spender, Professor
Ian Lowe, Sandra Phillips and Wendy Sarkissian.
The four-day
program from August 16 -19 will include lectures, debates, panel sessions,
forums, live ABC broadcasts, an Ideas Bazaar, exhibitions and presentations.
With both ticketed and free events and a combination of large and intimate
sessions, in both indoor and outdoor spaces Ideas at the Powerhouse
will provide accessible options for all audiences.
For information,
updates and to register your interest:
From: Malcolm
Subject: SIMON READ Odd Times
The Arts
Council and the London Borough of Southwark have given half a million
pounds to the Bermondsey Artists' Group to build the gallery near the
new Jubilee Line tube station at Canada Water. The building opens to
the public in May with an exhibition of Simon Read's photographic projects
which have been widely exhibited on site in this country, mainland Europe
and in the USA.
This is
the opening exhibition of the Cafe Gallery in Southwark Park in its
new incarnation as simply 'The Gallery'. It features work by Simon Read,
an artist who was a resident in Butlers Wharf in Southwark until it
was burned down in 1979 and subsequently redeveloped. One intention
in the show is to revisit aspects of his concerns then, and explore
their continuity into the present day, working on the Suffolk Coast.
Then as now, photography has taken a central role for him as has the
building of his own camera apparatus.
Dates: Wednesday 23rd May-Sunday 17th June 2001.
Private View: 6.30-8.30pm, Tuesday 22nd May, 2001. Exhibition
Hours: Wednesday - Sunday, 11am - 5pm (closed Mondays/Tuesdays).
Ron Henocq
Ph. 020 7237 1230
From: New
York Animation Festival
Subject: New York Animation Festival 2001 - cfp
DEADLINE: May 15, 2001
The international biennial festival of film, video and digital animation
is back!
The 2001
festival will focus on independently produced short works and take place
September 14 - 20, 2001 at Cinema Village in New York City. International,
student, and experimental entries encouraged! Visit our new website
for more information and to complete an entry form:
*APPLY ON-LINE: It's never been easier to enter a festival - you may
complete and submit an application form and pay entry fees on our new
New York Animation Festival
PO Box 1513, New York, NY 10009
Fax: 212 260-0912
From: Mez
Subject: Iowa Web Review
New at The Iowa Review Web, March 2001 mez : -][selec][text: co][deP][l][oetry]
Noah Wardrip-Fruin : The Impermanence Agent a.c.chapman : he Impermanence
Brion Moss : e Impermanence Age Duane Whitehurst : Impermanence Ag
From: Dorothy
Simpson Krause
Subject: exhibition/works
* Sacred and Mundane
In this solo exhibition at The Art Complex Museum Krause uses plaster,
tar and wax, to incorporate the discarded bits and pieces of a woman's
life and, with the tools of technology, transform them.
April 4 - 29.
Opening April 8, 1:30 - 3:30 pm.
Free. 189 Alden Street Box 2814, Duxbury, MA.
(781) 934-6634, fax (781) 934-511
* The Eye's
Mind: Art through the Lenticular Lens It showcases several applications
of the media including lenticular framed prints, glass-tiled murals,
and lenticular images combined with other media.
April 29 - May 30.
Opening April 29, 1- 8pm.
Free. 86 Park St., Attleboro, MA.
(508) 222-2644.
* The Third Dimension in Prints
At the Brush Art Gallery and Studios artists Dorothy Krause, Henry Aguet,
Helen Golden, Ken Huff, Mel Strawn and Dan Younger explore the third
dimension within and beyond the picture frame.
April 22 - June 21.
Opening April 22, 2 - 4 pm.
256 Market St., Lowell, MA
* Computer Art
An exhibition of computer assisted and generated artwork by Dorothy
Simpson Krause, Dennis Miller and June Bisantz Evans at the Sorenson
Center for the Arts. April 19-May 3.
Opening April 22, 3 - 5 pm.
Horn Gallery, Babson College, Wellesley, MA.
(781) 239-5680
Dorothy Simpson Krause
32 Nathaniel Way, P.O. Box 421
Marshfield Hills, MA 02051
Ph. 781-837-1682
Fax: 781-834-1782
From: Leon
Subject: Immerse
immerse is looking at the use of new media (which itself is not new),
what is new is in the way the project is structured, each member is
given their own web page, that over time becomes their online archive;
an individual promotional tool. As each member promotes themselves using
this tool they are also promoting immerse and in turn the rest of their
We have
other sections such as news events and articles; our aim is to create
a comprehensive contemporary arts network, of artists, galleries and
institutions. With this service we hope to create a sense of cohesion
in the contemporary art scene. This will also help generate traffic
through the site. The information in these sections will also be archived
giving ourselves and other interested parties a valuable research source.
Leon Waud
From: Daniel
Subject: ART3000
ART3000 takes the direction of a new arts centre dedicated to creation
and the new medias in Issy-Les Moulineaux.
ART3000 was prize winner of the invitation to tender launched by the
city Issy-Les Moulineaux (near suburbs of Paris) for "the exploitation
and the management of an arts centre dedicated to the new medias".
In 2001 ART3000 will develop the following activities :
* the activities related to the opening of Issy-Les Moulineaux arts
* the initiation and training in direction of the schools, the general
and initiated audience
* the availability of a documentation and resources center
* the support of projects
* the artistic creation and production
* the artistic programming
* the research of new cultural partnerships
* the organization of an event dedicated to digital creation in the
continuity of ISEA2000 and the General Assembly on Interactive Writing
Press : Virginie Gallon
ART3000 [art et nouveaux mdias]
156 Avenue de Verdun - 92130 Issy-Les Moulineaux
Tl. : 33 (0)1 46 48 66 36
Fax : 33 (0)1 46 48 66 59
From: Fatima Lasay
Subject: Asian Arts Fest 2001 Symposium
@ the UP CFA Auditorium
Includes the GIMOKUD and screenshots
From: H.
Avni Oztopcu
Subject: Turkish fine arts
"I have been dealing with the problems of puttin the abstract world
which has been established in minds into an objective shape with the
power which a human being holds in materializing things"
I hope you'll be able to have a look and share your convictions with
me. I'm looking forward to hearing your criticism and opinions.
H62 Art Gallery ... fine arts from Turkey:
From: marcus
Subject: switch on/off
The 2001
Sasol exhibition curated by Marcus Neustetter at the Klein Karoo Nasionale
Kunstefees in Oudtshoorn, South Africa, presents a range of South African
artists, each of which will be showing two works related in subject
matter, however in different media; one work in digital format and the
other one of the more traditional media.
the exhibition
creates relationships between artists' works on the screen and off the
screen - switch on/off. The translation of the production of the sculptural,
photographic or pictorial works into either computer specific, digitally
manipulated or even interactive pieces has become interesting in the
relationship of art and technology.
Saturday the 7th of April at 17:30 with the SASOL opening function for
the KKNK Visual Arts walkabout: Sunday the 8th of April at 11:00
marcus neustetter
27 11 941 2424
082 6722 699
An attachment to: fineArt forum Vol.15, No.04, April 2001
Contents: Events MAC21
Art Fair: MAC21
Blue Skies: New Media Scotland :::recode::: hybrid<lifeforms: Josophia
School of Sound 2001: New Media Scotland
Year of the Artist project: Convergence
Digital Salon Webcast Series: G.H. Hovagimyan
InteractivA '01: Jenny Fraser
Three Decades Three Works: Aisling Breen
e-phos 2001: Alas
Art Statements: ArtBasel
Workshop Announcement: Alife Music
Web Intelligence 2001: Eliza Kosmala
VSMM2001: VSMM Secretariat
From: MAC21
Art Fair
Subject: MAC21 Art Fair - Marbella 2001
July 18 - 22 2001
M A C 2
1 - 2001 is an International Contemporary Art Fair that will take place
in the Fairs and Congresses Center of Marbella, Spain.
Galleries, conditions, application:
From: New
Media Scotland
Subject: Blue Skies
Until April 28 2001
Private View: Saturday 24 March 3-5pm
Blue Skies
is an exhibition of newly commissioned works by Scotland-based artists
using digital technologies. The work in the exhibition explores how
technologies are mediating our sense of time and space and how this
process impacts on the way we perceive our place in the world and our
relationships with other people.
Featuring work by Colin Andrews, Catriona Grant and Beverley Hood.
Stills New Media Scotland
23 Cockburn Street P.O. Box 25065
Edinburgh EH1 1BP Glasgow G1 5YP
From: Josophia
Subject: :::recode::: hybrid<lifeforms
Until May 12 2001
Australian New Media Art is organised by the Netherlands Media Art Institute,
in collaboration with Australian curators Josephine Grieve and Linda
takes the viewer into the lush undergrowth of contemporary Australia:
strange confessions, dark memories, hybrids. Like Europe, Australia
has been quick to pick up on new developments. Australian artists went
in search of the worlds in and behind the computer, reflecting upon
and experimenting with the complex distinctions and connections which
created a sanctuary for new visions. The artists in the exhibition reflect
on both digital media and cultural and social life.
Marieke Istha (Communications)
Annet Dekker (Exhibitions)
Ph. (31) (0)20 623 7101
Fax (31) (0)20 624 4423
From: New
Media Scotland
Subject: School of Sound 2001
April 4-7 2001
Sonic environments,
non-naturalistic sound, screen sound, sonic art, sound as metaphor,
human sound perception, sound for multimedia - the topics have ranged
from the practical to the aesthetic to the metaphysical. This unique
symposium explores the art of sound with the moving image. This is an
ideal educational event for all those wishing to understand how to use
sound creatively in entertainment and art.
Ph. (44) (0)20 7323 3437
From: Convergence
Subject: University of Luton Year of the Artist project
Joe Lawlor
and Chris Molloy have been appointed as 'artist(s) in residence' at
the Department of Media Arts. The aim of the residency is to develop
a web-based artwork which is to be located at and integrated within
the *Convergence* web site.
From April
18, the site will go live and they will welcomecomments about the work
in progress. The project will remain live during the rest of April and
throughout May as work progresses. The final date for making comments
will be June 1 2001. Please visit the site during this period and offer
feedback, suggestions etc. The project will then go off-line for completion
and will be launched on June 20 2001.
Dept of Media Arts,
University of Luton,
75 Castle St., Luton, LU1 3AJ, UK
Ph. (44) 1582 489031/489144
Fax (44) 1582 489014
From: G.H.
Subject: The New York Digital Salon Webcast Series
Computer Art Department - School of Visual Arts is pleased to present:
The New York Digital Salon Webcast Series. Live video are streamed over
the internet and archived on the Digital Salon website. To access the
live stream and archives:
April 30 2001
6pm EST (21h00 GMT)
The Challenge:
Presenting Digital Art Representatives from Museums and Galleries devoted
exclusively to presenting digital art will talk about what works and
what they have planned for the future.
From: Jenny
Subject: InteractivA '01
Until April 20 2001
Museum MACAY
Merida, Yucatan, Mexico
The Museum of Contemporary Art Ateneo of Yucatan and Cartodigital present
InteractivA '01.
The exhibit
has been curated by interdisciplinary artist and scholar Raul Ferrera-Balanquet
and includes New Media, CD-Roms, Conceptual Arts, Net Art, Video, Installation
and Performance.
From: Aisling
Subject: Three Decades Three Works - Kevin Atherton
May 2-22 2001
Arthouse - Multimedia Centre for the arts
Curved Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2, Ireland.
Admission is free
For this
exhibition, Kevin Atherton has selected three of his works, one each
from the seventies, eighties, and nineties.
The seventies
work is a video conversation between himself and his pre-recorded self
'In Two Minds' where Atherton questions video arts relationship to mass
media. This theme is continued in the eighties in the two monitor work
'Television Interview' which literally interviews the television. The
nineties sees Atherton creating work using virtual reality technology.
'Gallery Guide' interweaves the fictional and the virtual through the
creation of the virtual exhibition 'Four Rooms and a Toilet'.
May 1 2001 6.30 p.m
May 2-22 2001Speaker Presentation: May 8 2001 6.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m.
Info: Aisling
Breen Press Officer
Ph. (01) + (ac) 605 6800
Fax (01) + (ac) 605 6801
From: Alas
Subject: e-phos 2001
the neologisms of corporeality in digital perfoming arts and interactivity
in tele perfomances as choreography phenomenon. Participants include
Matt Adams, artistic director of "Blast Theory" and Maria
Anthimidou, artistic director/choreographer of "Dancers Group".
3rd International
Festival of Film and New Media on Art
23 May - 2 June
Athens, Greece
research lab on dance and technology
May 23-31 2001
IME, Athens,
254 Pireos Street, Greec
Ph. (00) (301) 7520064/5
Fax (00) (301) 7520064
From: ArtBasel
Subject: Art Statements
Art Statements
offers young art a special platform that presents the artists and galleries
to an international audience.
This June
seventeen one-person shows by young artists from 11 countries will be
featured in the Art Statements at Art 32 Basel, the international art
fair. The selection committee chose featured artists from over 240 international
Art Basel
P.O. Box, CH-4021 Basel
Ph. (41) (61) 686 20 20,
Fax (41) (61) 686 26 86
From: Alife
Subject: Workshop Announcement
Artificial Life Models for Musical
ECAL 2001 Workshop
September 9 2001
Alife Music
are organising a workshop on "Artificial Life Models for Musical
Applications" to take place in September during ECAL 2001 (European
Conference on Artificial Life) in Prague
This workshop
will constitute an unprecedented forum to foster discussion on the fundamentals
of musical artificial life models, including the appropriate research
methods and validation procedures for such applications, as well as
their benefits to the scientific community and to musicians and artists.
From: Eliza
Subject: Web Intelligence 2001
October 23-26 2001
The Asia-Pacific
Conference on Web Intelligence (WI) is an international forum for researchers
and practitioners to discuss and examine the development of Web-based
information technology.
is expected to stimulate the future development of new models, new methodologies,
and new tools for building a variety
of embodiments of Web-based intelligent information systems. It will
be jointly held with the Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Agent
Technology (IAT).
Department of Information Engineering
Maebashi Institute of Technology
460-1, Kamisadori-Cho, Maebashi-City, 371-0816 Japan
Ph/Fax. (81) (27) 265 7366
From: VSMM
Subject: VSMM2001: Author Information Update
October 25-27 2001
This 7th
International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia is hosted
by the UCBerkeley Center for Design Visualization and the VSMM Society.
This year's conference theme is "ENHANCED REALITIES: Augmented
and Unplugged."The VSMM website has been updated to include Author
paper submission information, Author guidelines, templates and formating
An attachment to: fineArt forum Vol.15, No.04, April 2001
cast01 Symposium - cfs: cast01
New Media Art - cfa: Gertrud Riethmuller
COSIGN 2001 - cfp: Ulf Wilhelmsson
Cultural Policy Conf. - cfp: Carol Ballard
Women's video works - cfp: Isabelle Hayeur
Trans oo4 - cff - cfv: Woody
Art Action: Universes in Universe
CYNETart Competition -#2cfe: CYNETart
MIAF 2001 - #2cfe: Melbourne Animation Posse
Pixel Plunder - cfs: YEAR ZERO ONE
Pizza Surprise: Michelle Glaser
"Map to My House" - cfp: Nanette Wylde
Film Waves: Marco Zee-Jotti
Engad - cfs: Wilfried Agricola
EMARE: New Media Scotland
UNESCO - Bursaries: New Media Scotland
Media Mentorship Program: Express Media
Int. Post Graduate Program: Robert Fleck
Online Art Scholarship: Mario Strzelski
New media journal - cfp: Convergence - cfp:
Administrative Assistant Position: trAce
Web Manager Position: ANTA
FILE 2001: File File
From: cast01
Subject: cast01: Symposium on Communication of Art, Science and
Technology - Germany: Call for submissions
On 22-22
September 2001 cast01 will present inspiring media art and innovative
research projects from the EU Information Society Technologies programme
(IST). cast01 explores the ways in which Next Generation Internet can
be understood, explored and supported through creative interdisciplinary
invites submissions of inspiring research, technological development
and artistic production. Proposed contributions may be in the form of
research papers and artistic presentations as well as blueprints and
posters of developing ideas. Researchers, artists, theorists, practitioners
and entrepreneurs are encouraged to submit interdisciplinary projects
and critical reflections on the merging of the virtual and the real.
31 May 2001
From: Gertrud
Subject: New Media Art Event - Germany: Call for artists
are invited to participate in an International Media Art Event. This
event will be held in August and September 2001 in the former coal mine
"Gegenort" in Neunkirchen (Germany) and the World Wide Web.
Submissions should be artistic conceptions,
utopias, and ideas for installation in 10 building site containers.
1 May 2001
From: Ulf
Subject: COSIGN 2001 - The Netherlands: Call for posters and technical
Semiotics In Games and New Media (COSIGN) will run its first International
Conference in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, from 12-14 September 2001.
This conference is intended for anyone with an interest in areas of
overlap between semiotics (study of signs, symbols, and significations)
and interactive digital media. Submissions of posters and technical
demonstrations are currently invited.
23 April 2001
From: Carol
Subject: Cultural Policy Research Conference: Call for papers
The Centre
for Cultural Management and Research and the New Zealand Ministry for
Culture and Heritage Te Manatuu Taonga are delighted to invite participation
in the Second International Conference on Cultural Policy Research to
be held in Wellington, New Zealand from 23-26 January 2002.
Note: the Australian Key Centre for Cultural and Media Policy is putting
together a panel session and papers on the topic of 'youth arts and
cultural policy' to present at this conference.
If you
are interested in being part of this collaboration:
Ph: +cc 07 3875 7772
From: Isabelle
Subject: Women's video works - Canada: Call for proposals
We are
currently working on a project called "Anima", which gathers
digital video works created by emerging women artists. The selected
tapes will form a program of approximately one hour, which will be launched
in the studios of Groupe Intervention Video (G.I.V.) Montreal, in autumn
2001. The artists will be paid.
We are
primarily looking for innovative and experimental works that explore
the various aspect of moving-image making. Short videos using new and
unique techniques will interest us. First videotapes and students' works
are also welcome.
1 June 2001
Info: Isabelle Hayeur
From: Woody
Subject: Trans oo4 - USA: Call for film and video works
festival represents an event of largely digital art, both sound and
visual, featuring live multi-venue digital video and audiocasts. This
year's festival will be run from 6-12 August 2001, in multiple locations
in Chicago.
are invited to submit their international experimental film and video
works at the intersection between visual and sound art.
Deadline: 15 May 2001
From: Universes
in Universe
Subject: Art Action: Call for submissions
Art and
cultural institutions worldwide offer grants and cultural exchange programs.
Opportunities exist for artists to submit their entries for exhibitions,
competitions, projects, festivals, and awards.
From: CYNETart
Subject: CYNETart 2001 International Competition - Germany: Second call
to CYNETart 2001 will be installations, experiments, performances and
research results dealing with connections between technological and
bio-psycho-social interfaces. Entries are called for, in the fields
of audio processing, internet, interactive CD-ROM, computer graphics,
computer animation, and computer-based installation/performance. Prize
money totals 10,225 Euro (20,000 DM)
30 April 2001
From: Melbourne
Animation Posse
Subject: MIAF 2001 - Australia: Second call
(MIAF). The festival will take place at Cinemedia at Treasury Theatre
from 26 June-1 July 2001. We are especially looking for Australian content.
Deadline: 30 April 2001
From: YEAR
Subject: Pixel Plunder: Call for submissions
ONE is currently seeking submissions for its on-line exhibition called
Pixel Plunder. The exhibition explores the idea of artistic authenticity,
appropriation and "aesthetic hacktivism" as it relates to
the internet or any other easily reproducible (plundered) media.
The exhibition
will be launched on 1 September 2001 and artist fees will be paid.
Deadline: 1 July 2001
Experimenta: Pizza Surprise - Australia
Pizza Surprise
is a curated exhibition of 10 new works that take art out of the gallery
and directly into the audience's home. The works will be home delivered
via the mechanisms commonly associated with pizza delivery. Artists
are encouraged to work in any medium: 2D or 3D, video or interactive
media, sound works etc.
The selected
artists will be commissioned to produce one edition of 25 works sturdy
enough to be housed and home delivered inside a standard white pizza
box. Selected artists will receive an artist fee and a contribution
toward production costs. A catalogue will also be produced for the exhibition
4 May 2001
Submission outline:
"Map to My House": Call for participation
Mail Art
Exhibition Sponsored by:
The Postal Modern Collective, California State University, Chico
Theme: "Map to My House"
Exhibition dates: 17-27 April 2001
Work will not be returned.
Mail To: Map to My House
Art @ CSU Chico
Ayres 107
Chico, CA, USA 95929-0820
Deadline: 13 April 2001 postmark
Documentation of the exhibition after 30 April 2001:
From: Marco
Subject: Film Waves
Lux gallery
will be screening a compilation of artists' moving image loops. You
are invited to contribute a mute sequence of between 5 and 15 seconds
which will be looped to a length determined by the number of contributions
we receive.
The loops
will be simultaneously projected on the Lux gallery's three windows
- that is, three times the same image. The compilation will be marketed
on vhs with 50% of the profits going to the artists and 50% to Film
30 April 2001
Info: Catherine Elwes
From: Wilfried
Subject: Engaged Artists Directory (Engad): Call for submissions
Engad is
now launching the first part of their online artists directory. Submissions
are called from two categories:
1. Artists homepages
2. Popular festivals of art and media
Artists working with engaged contents are invited to submit the URL
of their homepages or webprojects
Application form:
From: New
Media Scotland
The seventh
EMARE program will take place from Summer to Winter 2001. It offers
artists the opportunity to create new work based at key media arts organisations
across Europe. Residencies will last for 2 months. The artists will
be provided with local accommodation, the use of the media technical
resources of the partner organisations, a financial supplement, and
participation in regional festivals or separate presentations of their
31 May 2001.
From: New
Media Scotland
Subject: UNESCO - Aschberg Bursaries for young artists 2001/ 2002
Bursaries program aims to promote the professional growth of young artists
in different disciplines through further training and residencies in
other countries. The program is managed by UNESCO's International Fund
for the Promotion of Culture (IFPC).
The following
bursaries are available to visual artists from the UK. The deadline
for applications is 30 April 2001.
Residency at the Cimelice Castle, Czech Republic, for 2 months.
Areas: painting, mixed media, sculpture, installation,
performance and literary arts.
Residency at the Sanskriti Kendra, New Delhi (India), for 3 months.
Areas: painting, sculpting, pottery and ceramics, photography, new media
and craft.
Residency at the Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai (Thailand) for 3
months. Areas: painting, sculpture, printmaking and media
Info: Mr Pongdej Chaiyakut (at the Faculty of Fine Arts)
Ph: +66 53 211724/944801/944805
Fax: +66 53 211724
From: Express
Subject: Express Media Mentorship Program - Australia
Media will be running 5 national mentorships for young writers and artists
from June to November 2001. The mentor will work with their mentee for
20 hours over a six month period, passing on their experience, and helping
the mentee make advances in their chosen arts practise.
are available in the following fields:
* Tasmania: Writing for the Stage
* ACT: Writing Fiction
* Victoria: Non-Fiction Editing
* New South Wales: Novel Writing
* South Australia: Science Fiction Writing
Deadline: 30 April 2001 (5pm)
Info: Richard (at Express Media)
Ph: +61 03 9416 3305 (bus.)
From: Robert
Subject: International Post Graduate Program - France
An opportunity
exists for 10 young artist or researchers to join the international
Post Graduate Program. The program will be held for 8 months, at the
ERBAN-Visual Art School in Nantes, France.
should have a degree in fine art, architecture, design, art history,
or cultural studies, dating from 1996 to 2000. For foreign artists,
a good knowledge of French or English is appreciated.
21 May 2001
Application form:
Ph: +33 2 40 35 90 20
Fax: +33 2 40 35 90 69
From: Mario
Subject: Online Art Scholarship - Stuttgart
boost GmbH
electronic business are rewarding promising net artists with a scholarship
for internet art and communication for the duration of 6 months.
The goal of the scholarship is to establish a net art site. Part of
this site, and the responsibility of the scholar, will be an up-to-date
collection of net art resources. The other part will be for free use
to the artist. The scholar will receive hard- and software support and
DM 3000
From: Convergence
Subject: Journal of Research into New Media Technologies: Call for papers
We are currently planning a special issue of Convergence on Intermedia,
with a targeted publication date of Winter 2002.
is the combination of structural elements from two or more different
media into one medium. It can or cannot be multimedia, although they
are of course two very different concepts. Besides intermedia and multimedia
there are also the terms hypertext and hybridisation.
* The focus
of the special issue *
We would welcome contributions which both explore the boundaries of
the newly expanded use of the intermedia concept and address the essential
category of transformation.
1 April 2002
Info: Yvonne Spielmann
Subject: Call for papers
is a manuscript repository of research discoveries. It is a cyber-space
forum where ideas can be exchanged. It is a huge blackboard in the form
of a chat room, a faculty lounge or a student union beyond campus boundaries.
In this universe peers in your own specialties and from crossing fields
can interact with each other without the tyranny of time zones, all
taking place at Internet speed.
We will
not ask for copyrights from article authors. Contributors are free to
publish their works in any other journal or proceeding.
From: trAce
Subject: Administrative Assistant Position: Nottingham, UK
The trAce Online Writing Centre is seeking to appoint a half-time Administrative
Assistant to assist in the administration and marketing of the trAce
Online Writing School, plus other related duties. This is offered as
a one year fixed term appointment. Salary: 12,402 - 13,308 pounds stlg
pa pro rata
Deadline: 18 April 2001 (Please quote post ref M0289)
Application forms:
Ph: +cc 0115 8486522 (24 hour answering service)
Subject: Web Manager Position - Australia
The Australian
National Training Authority (ANTA) is a Commonwealth statutory authority,
which advises Australian governments in relation to national policies
and strategies for vocational education and training.
currently seeking a web manager to work in their Brisbane office. The
position will be responsible to maintain and manage ANTA's web site,
as well as to provide a range of web-related services.
9 April 2001
Further Info: Ms Candi Champness
Ph: +61 07 3246 2357
From: File
Subject: FILE 2001- electronic language international festival
August 2001, Sao Paulo
2001 electronic language international festival is open for entries
till 30 May for the areas of WEB Sites, WEB Art, WEB Design, Net Art,
Artificial life, Simulation and modeling, Interactive Animation, VRML
and others.
and Access Information
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World-Wide-Web URLs:
Editor: Paul Brown
Editor: Nisar Keshvani (
Production Manager: Daniel Heinonen
Events: Ni Kee Seah, Sally Draper
Opportunities: Beth Rainbow, Fabia Sugandy
Stuff: Tanya Shepherd, Kieun Lee
Text: Felicity Carpenter, Maree Kimberley
Gallery: Bec Nissen, Bree Chesher, Jenny Fraser
Design: Jane Elleyre, Tianji Dickens
Production: Eugene Gorman, Damon McBride, Wendy Sykes, Helen Emerson
Marketing: Catherine Gould
Information Manager: Robyn Gerard
ASTN President:
Annick Bureaud (
57 Rue Falguiere
ASTN Advisory Board Chair: Roger Malina, Leonardo-ISAST
Correspondents: WWW - Cap'n Mike on the Net Trawler "Down Under"
This project
has been assisted by the Commonwealth Government through the Australia
Council, its arts and funding advisory body <
is provided by: The Communication Design Program, Academy of the Arts,
Queensland University of Technology Mississippi State University The
International Society for Art, Science and Technology - ISAST ACM Siggraph
Singapore Chapter (
Send submissions
of items to be published in fineArt forum to
Mail: Nisar Keshvani, Editor fineArt forum
PO Box 3603, South Brisbane QLD 4101, Australia
fineArt forum announcements are edited from information provided by
the original submitter. We do NOT verify the technical accuracy nor
any claims made in the announcements nor do we necessarily agree with
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- use at your own risk.