worked for two years in the Orthodox Jewish community in Buenos
Aires, Argentina. First I had to carry out reunions with different
rabbis, so they can understand my idea of an illustrated report,
and they can let me in, in almost all the ceremonies they were
able to. With such a strict respect for their religious precepts,
that restrain them from being photographed,getting images of their
daily life was quite a challenge.
understood and said YES. I have to accept that I worked with total
freedom, even in ceremonies like the circumcision that are considered
as the most private ones. The hierarchical order of their ceremonies
is respected with strict discipline, nevertheless, this community
that has its principal headquarters in the USA, is perfectly conscious
of the benefits of the audiovisual media, and that made my work
continue inthe next page...
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Trabajé dos años con la comunidad judía
ortodoxa de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Primero tuve que mantener
reuniones con diferentes rabinos para que entendieran mi idea
de reportaje gráfico y me permitieran estar en casi todas
las ceremonias posibles. Con un mandato tan riguroso de sus preceptos
religiosos que les impide dejarse fotografiar, conseguir imágenes
de su vida cotidiana supuso un desafío.
Ellos lo entendieron y me dieron el SI. Reconozco que trabajé
con total libertad incluso en ceremonias como la circuncisión
que son consideradas de máxima privacidad. El orden jerárquico
en sus ceremonias se respeta disciplinariamente, sin embargo esta
comunidad que tiene su sede principal en los EEUU, conoce sobradamente
los beneficios de los medios audiovisuales y eso también
facilitó mi trabajo.
continúa en la siguiente página...