
QuickTime audio 17K

Vicentillo is killed halfway through playtime...

-Come and revive me, come and revive me! Seeing that no one comes to help him he takes an unexpected decision.

-I'm someone else now, ha, ha, ha! Come and kill me! And he starts running fast as a devil.

Overhead by Jesús Quintanar in a schoolyard in San Isidro Boxipe, Ixtlahuaca, State of Mexico.


The Future

QuickTime audio 18K

José Ignacio asks me: - Hey teacher, What is your future, teacher?
- What? What do you mean what is my future? - Teacher! I meant where do you come from?

A young boy, José Ingnacio, questions Jesús in the community of El Porvenir, San Felipe del Progreso, State of Mexico