The Cristero War

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You see, my late godfather wasn't from here but from Toluca, but one day he went to war. He wasn't taken away to kill but he was taken to catch horses while the killing went on not far from where he stood.

He recalled how there were soldiers who didn't want to go to war, so they would make big holes in the ground to hide in and then they would put planks on top and cover them with fodder so that they wouldn't be found, but then it ended up being that they were found and they would be tied one to the right-hand side of the horse and another to the left-hand side of the same horse, as if they were sacks.

In this way they were taken to war, as if they were going to rest, because this is what the soldiers did to rest. They strapped themselves to the horse's backs and they went up the mountain to rest.

Story told by Faustino de Jesús Felipe, native of Barrio Tameje, San Felipe del Progreso, State of Mexico