Some of the letters we have received at ZoneZero |
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I think this is a really good site to visit. Here I do not have many chances to see good photographs; i am just starting to work on it, and I think that it is good to see other people's work. Satsi Acevedo
I am pleased to let you know that your site, ZoneZero, was chosen to receive the CoolSTOP Best of the Cool Award for 4/26/99. Your pages stand out because
of great graphic design, creativity, easy navigation and original, interesting
content. Thanks for putting your site out there - It's Great! |
¡Enhorabuena! Nos es grato comunicarle que su web ha sido seleccionado como Interesante en el Directorio Temático del portal-web Telépolis, por lo que aparece en un lugar privilegiado dentro del mismo. De los miles de webs que están referenciados en nuestro directorio, sólo los mejor diseñados y los que aportan una información más relevante adquieren la categoría de Interesante. Reciba un saludo afectuoso
y una enhorabuena por la calidad e interés de su presencia en Internet.
From: Susana Shanahan Les cuento que tengo,desde 1996 un programa radial PLum Pudding para los descendientes irish y para los celtas de argentina. Ademas trabaje en el diario mas viejo de los irlandeses en America el The Southern Cross y en Celtic News una revista y el periodico Argentine Irish Times. Espero sus noticias y nuevamente felicitaciones por las notas, por la idea de juntarse. Espero poder unirme a UStedes y brindarles informacion de aqui. Afectuosamente |
From: Nacho Guerrero <> I live in Chihuahua now, and
am a bilingual border person who has travelled extensively. I don´t
really know what more to say, don´t know to whom I am speaking (which
makes it rather strange) so I guess I will leave it at that and thank
Pedro, et. al. for a fascinating space. |
> hello! ----------------------------- From: CitrusGirrl TasteExplosion
dear pedro, pedro meyer wrote: |
Estimado Pedro: Especialmente me conmovió Padres e Hijos. Fabuloso.Un abrazo y ánimo, que ZoneZero es realmente insuperable!!! Claudia Ramírez López |
Dear Sir, I studied photography and right now I'm working for a newspaper agency here in Belgium. I'm interested in photography ever since I was little. Actually, I used to take pictures since I was only five years old. Anyway, I'd like to ask you a question and I really hope you can help me out. A friend of mine wants to make a reportage, far away from home and he asked me to find out how it actually works (to send images from one computer to another) I know a little about image data transfer and I told him, that it's possible to send images with the use of a laptop, connected with a digital camera and modem. But can you tell me a little more about that specificaly or do you know where I can find more resources about this issue on the net (downloadeble tutorials, or so..) It would be great if you would give me some more information! Thank you,
hola, deseo poder establecer contacto con ustedes. por lo pronto envio mi direccion electronica. soy una amante de la foto, realizo trabajo autoral y como parte del oficio, doy clases y talleres el dos universidades de guad.mex me es trascendente poder obtener info. asi como establecer comunicacion con los interesados el la reflexion de la imagen fotografica. considero y estoy convencida de que la foto va mas alla de solo tener el dominio de la tecnica mi nombre es flor acosta. esta es la direccion espero noticias de usted(s) pronto. |
From: Amean Jan I am a photographer based in Karachi now, unfortunately your magazine is not available in Pakistan. If you could put me on your mailing list and send me copies at the following address I will highly appreciate it, thank you. Amean Jan PS please mail me names of your editor and photo editor and their mailing addresses so I could put them on my mailing list as well.
This is my first time exploring
zone zero. I am a photography student at UMASS/BOSTON and my teacher told
the class about this website, I'm glad that she did. As a beginner I enjoy
learning anything about photography that I can whether it's techinical
info. or about photographers and their work and zone zero is a great find
and easily accesible. Michelle Nadeau
Es simplemente una historia tan sencilla, tan cotidiana, tan llena de respeto, de amor de un padre hacia un hijo. Yo no tengo padre, quizá por eso admiro dicho respeto. No sé por qué , pero el texto esta lleno de "vida", lo he leído aquí en mi trabajo, atendiendo a un cliente por teléfono, no así, ¡cómo me ha llamado la atención!, me hace pensar que las cosas más sencillas tienen un sabor especial y un sentido, que cada momento por ordinario que parezca es único y especial. Tengo 22 años, sé que me falta mucho por conocer, pero agradezco que en medio del bullicio, pueda leer un texto así. La vida aveces suele ser tan agetreada, que hace que nos olvidemos de los detalles, ¿no?. Y de los detalles se conforman los momentos más especiales. Gracias por leerme. |
I was told of your web site
by a friend and have been very impressed by what I've found in it. My
name is Bill Hogan; I've been a professional photographer for over 20
years. Recently I've begun doing some personal digital work which I'd
like to find somewhere to show it. After looking over your web site (and
liking what I saw) I'd like to see about putting some of my pieces on
it. Can you advise me if this is possible and, if so, what steps I'd need
to take to do so. The images are digitally created and combine words with
images. Thanks. I enjoy the site. Keep up the good work.
Please register For your information, I am a retired engineer, advanced amateur photographer, and a competent Photoshopper. I retired from my left brain activities in engineering and have started to revive my right brain with photography and digital art work. I've got a long way to go. The left side of the brain is a tough character. I'll be stopping by this site many times for information and inspiration. Pedro, if you read this, I'm the Joe who got you to autograph your book last night. Enjoyed your lecture and discussion very much. I only wish we could get more photographers to break out of the frame and start thinking in new ways. I'll pass the work at my photo club, but they are, for the most part, set in their ways and don't want to break out. Thanks again |
Dear Pedro, Most revealing about those catch lights is that photographers can look at others' work and see how it is lit. How very conscious the industry is of this--so much as to offer reflectors shaped to give specific options for the catch lights. In covers for Vogue, Glamour, etc. models' eyes, we can see the light banks very clearly. In Matthew Rolston's shot for Epson's Photo EX Color Ink Jet Printer color printers, the catch lights--facilitated by sunglasses--are so distinct that they reflect a vertical image of Rolston himself, making the exposure, and the light he is standing before. What's even odder is that Rolston is a human scrim, thereby integrating himself with the shot both technically and figuratively. Jerry Uelsmann once said "Photography will always have elements of alchemy" (my favorite Uelsmann quote), and your Eye essay intensifies this observation. With your digital photo, as Rolston's, the fact that technology is turning things up a bit--or byte--does not exclude, but invites all the more--the human eye. Cearly, there is no substitute, no matter how mysteriously it works on the brain: our computer, as you say. The lottery idea for group show announcement images is a great one! Ivy |
Dear Mr. Meyer, When I first saw the Coolpix 900 I thought to myself, "Here's John's whole system wrapped into one compact unit". I've become very interested in digital photography and have ordered one of the first Nikon Coolpix 950 cameras since it will allow me some manual control over lens openings, shutter speed and focus. (The images I saw from the Fuji DS-330 were dissapointing.) After many years of printing for myself and other photographers (mostly large format) I'm intrigued by the freedom of digital photography. For the last several years I have been working (with a traditional rangefinder) on a series of portraits made in the subways of New York City and Budapest, Hungary. The idea, of course, came from Walker Evans' similar project almost 50 years ago and has been nourished by my contact with Helen Levitt, who has given valuable feedback on many of the work prints. I've assembled some of these
subway portraits on a web site but it is incomplete and the sequencing
has not yet been finalized. As I do not currently own a film scanner,
the pictures were scanned from prints on a simple flatbed scanner so they
are somewhat primitive. Then again, they were shot at 3200 ASA (by necessity)
and thus are sketch-like even as silver prints. P.S. A typo on your "feedback"
page: received was accidentally spelled as |
Hi, wish I new who was reading
this>_grin, I myself have been photographing with B&W for 25 years now. I enjoy collecting B&W images, B&W photo books and B&W postcards. I tend to be very anti- cliche and yet want to find a very classic style for my images. Best Regards, Ernst |
Hi there, Well, my address is |
From: richard silfverberg i was very impressed with your
site when i visited it earlier today. i try to specialize in street
photography, normally i take the photos in colour slides and then alter
them into black and white and add some tone to them. regards, |
From: "Manuel Muñoz
García" Sencillamente estoy impresionado. |
I am taking a course in PHOTOSHOP
5.0. My teacher recommended this site |
ZoneZero is our Featured Site
of the Month. |
What a delightful site! Thanks to Colin Jacobson for recommending me to it. Keep me posted! Regards, |
Despues de una jornada larga
de fotografia comercial decidi prender la computadora y observar nuevamente
la pantalla. Me encontre con un ojo y decidi mirar que habia detras de la editorial de Zone Zero. Pedro los comentarios que encontre me tocaron profundamente ya que desde hace varios meses he tratado de buscar imagenes para plasmarlas en mi camara creativa. He analizado mis alrededor inmediato y el distante. Trabajamos viendo siempre al exterior pero hasta hoy comprendi que no habia visto el ojo interno de Walter que ha estado cerrado por no detenerse y observar su retrato interno. Vaya que es muy cierto de que es importante verce en el espejo del alma para ver quien realmente es uno y cuestionarse ! en que punto del camio Me encuentro! ! se me han agotado las posibilidades
de observacion, o estoy en una contamplacion pasiva y conformista por
la vertiginocidad de la vida de la ciudad Espacial. Tus comentarios y
sobre el ojo me han agradado bastante y mas que agradarme me pusieron
nuevamente en el pedestal de observacion de uno mismo para examinarce
y encontrar que seguimos siendo un constante descubrimiento de nuestro
mundo pero que me he dejado atapar por las circunstancias externas y no
detenerme a ver lo que realmente necesito mirar. Saludos desde la Ciudad Espacial
Pedro |
Estimados señores: Tengo además, la ilusión de encontrar con ustedes el medio de consolidar mi incipiente y rudimentaria filosofía fotográfica, la que a la vez es uno de mis objetivos primordiales en este momento de mi vida. Cordial saludo. |
In your editorial, you describe the pupil of the eye as a lens, "fat or thin". Just a friendly correction from this retired ophthalmologist who greatly admires your work and web sites: The pupil of the eye is the aperture in the center of the (colored) iris, which acts just like the iris diaphragm in the camera, to control the amount of light reaching the retina. The eye has two lenses: The more powerful, fixed-power lens is the cornea, the curved clear window at the front of the eye. Behind the iris (and pupil) is the weaker, but variable crystalline lens, which changes thickness to change focus until you're over fifty. After that we need bifocals. Your insights of the essential relationship between the eye, human vision, and photography are appreciated. Just one technical question:
do you have any recommendations as to the quality of the various 35 mm
films scanners currently available? |
Hola Pedro siempre visito zone zero ya que me parece muy interesante lo que allí se exhibe. Me gustó mucho este trabajo del ojo y en la galería me resultaron muy estimulantes las imágenes de "la adolescente". Habiendo leido los requisitos para exhibir trabajos allí, puedo decir que cumplen al pie de la letra eso de seleccionar trabajos que estimulen a quienes los observen. en este momento me siento como si hubiese cargado combustible de muy alto octanaje. Aprovecho esta oportunidad`para preguntarte si conoces algún libro o lugar en la web donde pueda encontrar información sobre la evolución de los distintos géneros fotográficos a través de los años: es decir el retrato a lo largo del siglo, el desnudo, etc, etc. Desde ya, gracias por tu respuesta
y seguiremos en contacto. |
I want to register if it is free.I want to be a photographer when I get out of high school in two years.Thanx PhotoFreakFM10 esq. |
Hola! Soy fotografo, y tengo una
historia que he venido |
Congratulations on the Fathers
and Son exhibit and the letters that were part of it. I have written Ed
a note congratulating him and so I thought I would write you to thank
you for making it happen. Once again, I find zonezero the place to visit.
Thanks again -- |
Ayer leí el libro de
Victor Flores Olea sobre Internet, en odne menciona a Pedro Meyer y su
trabajo como fotografo, en donde incluyen su dirección, es por
eso que los localice, me parece muy interesante el artículo de
Pedro con puntos de vista inovadores. En lo personal soy historiador y
tengo interés en la fotografía del siglo XIX, sobre todo
en recrear o de alguna manera reconstruir imágenes con tecnologia
moderna. |
Me dirijo a ustedes porque vi una publicidad en una revista mexicana, luna nueva, me intereza ante todo saber si esta registracion tiene costo, si es asi conocer los servicios que ustedes brindan, cabe destacar que he incursionado en la digitalización de imagenes desde 1984 con los recursos disponible en aquel entonces, hoy cuento con camaras digitales, scanners de alta resolucion tanto para papel como para negativos y/o filminas; como medio de impresin utilizo films recordes y/o impresoras de inyeccion de tinta epson (stylus photo, etc) y una fargo sublimal. Desde ya gracias por su atención. Alfredo E Benito |
Internet de México le informa que diariamente se elige una página electrónica para ser colocada en la sección "Página del Día" de nuestro Site. Después de un proceso de selección donde se evaluo el diseño, el contenido y la actualidad de la página tenemos el agrado de comunicarle que fue seleccionada para ocupar éste lugar de honor, el 6 de marzo de 1999. |
how difficult it should be
to maintain the quality of work you present... ADELE HAMBLIN PHOTOGRAPHER
I've been reading your ideas with much interest . I am a chicana from los Angeles living and working in Paris, France for the past 12 years. I have been preparing over the last 5 years a documentary that is almost about what I have read on your pages. So pou understand why it has taken me so long to produce. My project, sin duda, is too vast, too comples, I must zero (huh, zone zero!) in on one story to tell a larger story. In any case the French are quite interested in my chicano stories. I have been producing tv & radio reports called "Ritmos Chicanos" here in France. What I have read in Zone Zero has re-inspired me to continue on.. Gracias, Merci, thanks |
Me tome la libertad de escribirle a esta direccion que aparcecio en el articulo de Padres e Hijos de Zonezero, espero no le moleste. Me llamo Magdalena, vivo en el D.F., tengo 23 años, estudio diseào y fotografa. La intencion de este mail no es mas que expresar un poco de la gran explosion de sentimien tos y pensamientos que tuve al leer las cartas de sus amigos. Hace unos dias vea un programa en la television acerca de enfermedades que tienen repercusiones en la memoria, me impresionaro mucho los casos de los que hablaron y bueno desde entonces he pen sado en el gran poder de la mente y en que lo unico que realmente tenemos y nos pertenece es la memoria, nuestros recuerdos.Cuando se esta interesando en un tema especifico se es suceptible a todo lo que tenga relacion, pero no me deja de sorprender que en este caso de "coincidencia" se tratara de sentimientos. Ayer comentaba sobre la relacion de padres e hijos y hoy al leer las cartas tuve una sensacion tan extraña no podria, en verdad, explicarla solo llore. Leer esas alimentaron mi alma. Ana Magdalena Yáñez
Nepote |
I would like to be kept up
to date with what is happening with ZoneZero. Darrel Couturier |
I am interested in recieving news about Zone Zero. It is my favorite site. I just posted a new photography site if you ever take submissions or create links. <> Thank you, |
Dear Pedro, Thanks, Mike Sweeney |
your elegant web page is! I cannot tell you how often I tune in, and that is the correct word sicne I am a digital artist learning spanish at a very advanced age and having a fine time thank-you. Every month you have given us words to pondeer and glorious images to appreciate. Thank-you very much. |
P.M.: Thanks for your great ideas and generosity. M.J. |
Hello Pedro - You might find my "self portrait " of your computer as a "Universal Turing Machine" interesting.... |
Dear Mr. Meyer, I would like to invite you to a visit and point your attention to the on-line exhibition I just "hanged" at: The exhibition will be accessible until the end of October 1999. If you will find the work to be interesting, any critics from you and/or a link from one of your sites will be very much appreciated. Thanks, |
Dear Pedro, Being quite a shy person made
me feel at comfort with them. The cameras sometimes are another kind of
glasses too. They stay between the eye of the photographer and the world
outside.The digital camera you had showed in your article has this particular
use that can modify this old attitude about the selfportrait, and , can
really have a step forward with this mirror like screen. You didn't mention the glasses
in your article, and actually, they made another approach to your selfportrait...Well
I'm sending two photos, I wish you appreciate ...After reading your points,
I observed that a lot of my work have a great focus on the eyes. Best Wishes, |
hi...i direct your attention
to: it has been up for two years and averages 10 hits a day...the father and son written catharsis does seem to strike a nerve....a good nerve to be sure...regards, dick swanson |
Pedro, |
Hi Pedro, I am glad that your have Jerry Ulsman...I love his work....Will check your new sites this week. I am planning to finally put my gallery on the web. Any feedbacks on anyone selling on the web??? Any advise you can give me would be appreciated... Regards. J. |
Please register me: I am a 4th year new media student
at Ryerson Polytechnic University in |
Date: 11/20/98 5:05 PM Received: 11/22/98 4:43 PM From: ricardo trujillo To: meyer pedro ( register), what a truly incredible site
you have created. we march here in san jose, califas, with our irish comrades,and
others too, every may 5th & september 18th in memory of commandante
Roberto Sands and the San Patricios who defended La Raza before the word
or nationality Xicano was born. We seek to repay the sons and daughters
of Ireland for their defense of our people. your site, and its intellectual
current flows as raging a river I have ever seen. Pearse y soy ricardo trujillo |
Date: 11/6/98 6:30 PM Received: 11/7/98 8:31 AM From: Ernesto Lopez, To: meyer pedro (feedback), This message is for Pedro Meyer. Congratulations. You have put together a great concept and website at ZoneZero. I visit frequently and find it stimulating, creative, daring, imaginative; all the things I want from places I visit and things I do. Congratulations are also due for Ed Beardsley's article. I've known Ed for many years and you selected exactly the right person for the commentary. I rarely write these kinds of notes, but feel I needed to make an exception as ZoneZero is exceptional. Thanks. -- Ernesto Lopez. |
Date: 9/12/98 9:24 PM Received: 9/12/98 11:02 PM From: jaime boites To: meyer pedro ( register), Felicidades es un gran espacio para la fotografÌa, todos los proyectos son en verdad muy buenos. Es muy estimulante para los fotoperiodÌstas porque aprendemos como formular un proyecto . Mi nombre es Jaime Boites y trabajo para el periodico Reforma y todos los Sabados entro a consultar cada uno de los proyectos. Bueno realmente un saludo y que interesante tener estos espacio. Hasta la vista estare muy antento de lo nuevo. |
Date: 9/5/98 4:46 AM Received: 9/5/98 1:46 PM From: Celeste Greco To: I have not yet seen "I photograph to remember" but have long admired your work, beginning many years ago when I was living in a Mexican village (Yelapa, Jalisco) and struggling to make photos under adverse conditions in my 12-volt darkroom there. I'll have to order it soon. Congratulations on this beautiful
website, which I discovered thanks to Yahoo's Picks of the Week. Celeste Greco--Berkeley, CA |
Date: 9/4/98 6:10 AM Received: 9/4/98 9:01 AM From: K.A.M ! To: meyer pedro (feedback), Dear Sir ,,, khaled Al-Melifi |
Date: 9/2/98 1:13 AM Received: 9/2/98 8:20 AM From: Andrey Bezoukladnikov, To: meyer pedro ( register), Hi! Before to decide on such step, I investigated huge quantity(amount) of photographic sites INTERNET and has paid attention that Russian photographic sites do not like me. I would like to construct such site, which would satisfy my needs(requirements). And I shall do it. So. ZonZero has all of themes, that does not suffice to me, but it(he) not in Russian, and many Russian photographers, including I, have no knowledge of foreign languages. By the way, for this purpose to write this letter I use the program - interpreter. About itself. To me 39 years.
Was born well Ural. Now I live in Moscow. Is married. Two children. In
a photo I am engaged since 14 years. In youth dreamed to become the biologist
and collected kaktuses. Has bought the first camera photographing the
moment of flowering kaktuses. It has affected all my destiny - instead
of the biologist I became the photographer. Andy Bezoukladnikov |
Date: 8/29/98 2:53 PM Received: 9/1/98 3:35 PM From: Jorge Barahona Ch., To: meyer pedro ( register), Que grato encuentro he tenido
hoy... La verdad que estamos buscando,
descubriendo e inventando igual que muchos en el mundo el Web. |
Date: 8/22/98 1:56 AM Received: 8/22/98 1:29 PM From: Nathalie Swainston, To: meyer pedro (feedback), I found the gamma calibration
setting very helpful. Much appreciated. John S |
Date: 8/21/98 4:17 PM Received: 8/21/98 6:33 PM From: james linker, To: meyer, pedro: I've enjoyed your publication
and look forward to introducing my students to it as I begin a new experience
teaching digital and traditional photography here at Montana State University. |
Date: 8/20/98 11:26 PM Received: 8/21/98 3:32 AM From: f2, To: meyer pedro ( register), hello. Now i'm glad to discover ZoneZero (kind of shoking, actually) where can't find anything seriously wrong. Great images with good page design and constructure. Even chat section looks clever done. Clever, that's the word to
describe the Zone. vadim wilniewczyc |
Date: 8/18/98 2:40 PM Received: 8/18/98 4:07 PM From: Francisco Drohojowski, To: meyer pedro ( register), Dear Zonezero, I will be sending you more
feedback as I bercome more familiar with your site. |
Date: 8/18/98 12:42 AM Received: 8/18/98 10:10 AM From: clive11 To: meyer pedro (feedback), Great content too, both by
yourselves and you contributors. Clive |
Date: 8/10/98 2:59 PM Received: 8/10/98 9:33 PM From: jesus ochoa, To: meyer pedro ( register), Hola me llamo Jesus Ochoa y
trabajo como director de arte en la pagina web de un canal
de television aqui en Venezuela. Tambien me desempeño como fotografo
profecional y descubri su pagina gracias a una exposicion de Marcos Lopez
(Pop Latino) en donde salia su dirección. Me gusto mucho la pagina
tiene mucha informacion y mucha fotografia interesante que ver. me gustaria
inclusive ver que posibilidades hay de recibir la revista impresa aqui
en venezuela. |
Date: 8/9/98 1:32 AM Received: 8/9/98 12:36 PM From: antonio castro, To: meyer pedro ( register), quiero enviarles mis más
sinceras felicitaciones por la calidad de vuestro site. lamento haberlos
encontrado ahora y no mucho antes. por mi trabajo en publicidad,hace tiempo
que estoy en contacto con la fotografía, pero hasta ahora no había
participado en forma activa. antonio castro,montevideo,uruguay. |
Date: 8/6/98 5:10 PM Received: 8/6/98 5:32 PM From: Despacho de Diseño, To: meyer pedro ( register), Los felicito por este gran
espacio que zonezero y en especial al señor Pedro Meyer,que tuve
la oportunidad y el privilegio de oirlo en una ponencia en el V coloquio
latinoamericano de fotografía L.D.G. Raymundo Olvera Medrano |
Date: 8/5/98 8:18 PM Received: 8/5/98 11:24 PM From: DR. ALBERTO MEDINA CHANONA, To: meyer pedro ( register), La fotografía es una afición muy importante para mi, el encontrar revistas y/o páginas tan bien logradas como zone zero ayuda a mi comprensión y aprendizaje de la fotografía, a través de tan importantes artículos y fotógrafos que la conforman. Estoy muy interesado en recibir información en directo sobre ustedes, por lo que de antemano agradezco mi incorporación a su directorio.
Date: 7/31/98 12:53 PM Received: 8/2/98 8:16 PM From: manolo garcía melgar, To: meyer pedro ( register), HOLA AMIGOS: Un saludo desde estas tierras
bonitas en las que nos estamos asando de calor; besos, abrazos y otros
desastres.- |
Date: 7/30/98 9:34 AM Received: 7/30/98 11:45 AM From: German Castro, To: meyer pedro ( register), Es la primera vez que me encuentro con su página gracias a yahoo, simplemente es excelente, tiene una inmejorable presentación y la información y archivos de fotos que poseen están muy completos, sobre todo me encantó que por fin haya encontrado un lugar donde poder ver fotos de Joel- Peter Witkin... en fin, de nuevo, felicidades por su página. Germán. |
Date: 7/26/98 11:06 AM Received: 7/26/98 4:59 PM From: To: meyer pedro ( register), Dear Pedro, et al: The "gift from a blind
poet" is a delightful anecdote. Thanks for printing it. Most sincerely. Linn M. Ehrlich / Chicago |
Date: 7/25/98 3:25 PM Received: 7/27/98 12:26 PM From: Charles Corbit, To: Hello, Charlie |
Date: 7/24/98 1:22 PM Received: 7/24/98 9:33 PM From: ydoss To: meyer pedro (feedback), Pedro, I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how much I enjoy viewing/reading/absorbing your publication. If there's any way we can collaborate and help further each other's goals, let me know. I'm in the middle of running a classified ad/online-banner-ad swap campaign. I'm reaching out to publications that might be reaching similar audiences. Let me know if you'd be interested
in something like that, or some other kind of collaboration. |
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