Some of the letters we have received at ZoneZero |
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From: "lcuellar" sres de zonezero Un poco de mi. Esperando su respuesta me despido. J GUADALUPE PEREZ |
From: aramad Damara Hall |
From: Lily Diaz |
From: "Maria Aguirre" Hola, Felicitaciones y espero recibir
sus email pronto. |
From: Chris Lentz It is an inspiring collection of work, one of the best I have seen on the web. Would you be so kind as to add me to your mailing list. Again thank you. |
From: "Armando Bona" Thank you Pedro for these beautiful
pages that you post on the internet for all of us to study and admire.
I do so much look forward to them and what they have to say. |
From: Tony Bridge Pedro: You may remember we spoke(
E-spoke? ) some time ago about young people and technology, when I was
wearing my other hat as a photography teacher. Well you were right and
I was wrong. This last year has seen a huge change o the part of my students,
who have(mostly) grabbed hold of digital and run with it. The blocks in
the road have been all mine... A story..I have just finished
a project photographing the young night life of our city, pushing the
envelope as far as I could. I used an hybrid technology, shooting on pushed
800 ISO neg and using a film scanner, then outputting through a Fuji frontier....What
was interesting was that the scanner/P-Shop approach gave me far more
control technically than I would ever have had using a wet darkroom... And still I had not reached the point where i was dealing with what was important to me, namely being able to depict the other that I saw around me, the sense of an alternate and somewhat bizarre reality that lies beyond....the life of the city Then a friend turned up on my birthday with your book Truths and Fictions, and in your work and that wonderful essay by Joan Fontcuberta, I began to grasp a new way of thinking, and to realise what a profound shaking I was now there is a way to put feathers on buildings, and to document my own reality( which, in spite of my trying to be objective and cheat reality and Heisenberg I was doing anyway). Anyway, to the point of this Email. I have just built a website for myself, and in it I have included a reference to ZoneZero. I hope you will not mind. Perhaps if you have time you would check it and, if you take issue, i will change anything to which you take exception. The link is |
From: "Tantra" Hello, I am sending five of my own pictures for consideration in the portfolio section. Thank you, |
From: "johnny mobasher" a fantastic platform. |
From: "Maria Eugenia Alonso" Soy María Eugenia Alonso de Argentina,,, Los felicito infinitamente por este espacio, que a cada visita renueva mis ganas de hacer cosas. Les cuento que soy diseñadora gráfica, hace un año que estudio fotografía, y me estoy dedicando a las realizaciones artísticas en el medio digital, más bien una mezcla: fotos tradicionales escaneadas y trabajadas, ya que aún no poseo toda la tecnología digital (solo la compu). Bueno, el tema es que através de ustedes me enriquezco y descubro un lugar donde compartir mi interés por este tema. Es verdad que aún no hay plena conciencia de las ventajas del proceso digital de la fotografía, (aquí la mayoría de los cursos enseñan solo la forma analógica) y hay veces que, yo como principiante, me siento fuera de lugar, ya que me manejo más con el lenguaje digital que con los procesos tradicionales. Mientras tanto, sigo aprendiendo por mi cuenta y encuentro en internet el mejor modo de informarme y conectarme. Les agradecería que presenten datos sobre concursos, becas y cursos en la red, que me puedan ayudar a desarrollarme. Muchas gracias por todo lo que hacen, me gustan mucho las editoriales de Meyer, y la amplitud en la selección de trabajos. Quiero compartir con ustedes mis fotos, así que pronto las enviaré. Un beso grande y mucha suerte. |
From: "nora luzzi" Acabo de conocerlos, me interesaria recibir todo lo que sea informativo soy argentina, restauradora de obras de arte y artesana, docente y responsable del taller de restauracion del museo legislativo de la CAMARA DE DIPUTADOS DEL CONGRESO DE LA NACION, ARGENTINA, ME INTERESA TODO LO RELACIONADO C CURSOS BECAS INTERCAMBIO DE CONOCIMIENTOS, ESTOY A SU DISPOSICION. NORA LUZZI |
From: francisco sanchez Cada una de sus secciones me
enriquecen y hacen disfrutar de este arte ,que ambos queremos, llamado
: fotografía. |
From: MAyra Diaz Su contenido ha sido de gran ayuda para alguien que realiza o trata de accesar al análisis de la imágen fotográfica como algo que va más allá de la interpretación de determinado objeto o sujeto. Mil gracias por su profesionalidad. Finalmente adjunto los datos de mis imágenes y espero que me respondan pronto. Hasta luego. |
From: "Wenner, Mark" |
From: "huck" hello from st thomas us virgin islands excelent site i have spent over an hour there and only scrached the surface great stuff will be placing a link from my site shortly very interested in placing gallery of photos on your site please register me. keep up yhe good work!!!!!!!!! i have been photographing
for 35 yrs just moving to digital in last few... huck jordan |
From: "Massimo Festi" |
From: Ryan Ryttie Well I'm really glad your site is there because it helps me know that things are displaying correctly. or not displaying as the case may be. |
From: "Eva Abril" Hola soy una fotógrafa Madrileña que acabo de licenciarme en la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid en la especialidad Artes de la Imagen, comienzo ahora mi primer curso de Doctorado en la anterior Facultad mencionada y colaboro como ayudante de la asignatura Fotografía II en el departamento de Dibujo II ( diseño e imagen). Su página me parece
muy buena y me alegro de descubrirla puesto que era lo que estaba buscando. |
From: "PABLO" Me interesaria recibir todo
el material que manejan dentro de Zonezero. |
From: Robert Hewitt I teach photography at Hong Kong International School (US based) and have recently gotten approval to offer a course titled" Documentary Photography" next year. This will be a challenge as I see it as a project-based course for students that I see on average 4 days a week for 50 minutes per class with one double class in our 6 day rotation schedule (Confused? So are most of us the first few weeks of the school year!). Plus, most of our students are driven to gain admission to prestigious universities in the US, & so we (Art Dept) have to battle for their priorities. In any event, I see "ZoneZero" as being a primary resource "text" for the students, and while we will use film (at this point) as the primary source of the image, the school is wired & has an active intranet web page, so I'm hoping to be able to successfully converge digital & silver technologies in my classes. We started this in our Intro. class with pinhole cameras where we made paper negatives and then scanned & reversed them in the computer. There is a high WOW factor in that lesson! The limitations are in the computer/scanners available to us & the idiosyncrasies of our network. But when I arrived at the school 5 years ago, most of us knew very little of what we take for granted today. But this is a long-winded way of saying that your efforts are very much appreciated and I look forward to ZoneZero every month. Keep up the good work! Regards, |
From: Raluca Stroe my name is raluca stroe. i live in bucharest, romania and i work as a graphic designer. i've just graduated from Journalistic Superior School - photography departement. i intend to continue my photography work not only in my spare time. i have this need to take photos like an alchoolic needs his drink. ok. this may not be the best way of telling it, but...i guess you understand. I am interested in receiving
your newletter and i would be honored to submitt some of my work. |
From: zuhal özel Dear Pedro MEYER, |
From: "jesse tallman" |
From: Pilar son imagenes de una increible potencia, transmiten sensaciones de una manera impresionante. no podia creer que estuviera llorando frente a la computadora, ya que no soy alguien que se emocione facilmente. pero me paso y me gustaría que algun dia a alguien le pasara lo mismo con mis fotos. desde hoy, pienso volver una
y otra vez a zonezero, para explorar maravillosas sensaciones atraves
de maravillosas imagenes. |
From: Eva Klerck Gange <> |
From: miguel n nacianceno Anyway, keep up the good selection. I especially like your documentary photography section as that is the type of photography I do. Kindly, register me. Regards, |
From: Gimenez Monica Trabajo como Reportera Gráfica
en Posadas-Misiones, Argentina y siempre entro a las páginas de
Uds. soy algo así como una fans. |
From: walter shintani Gracias |
From: "Kostas Gerakis" |
From: "Meeks, Brock
(MSNBCi)" Hi, Brock Meeks of
here. I'm the Chief Washington Correspondent. Mostly a reporter but increasingly
I'm taking on more of the photojournalist role. |
From: Folk |
From: "Longo, Adele" Thank you. |
From: "Editor Enlace
Latino" Buenos Días, mi nombre
es OLivia Flores, soy reportera y periodista independiente y me parece
que espacios como estos deben perpetuarse por mucho tiempo, de hecho sitios
como estos son lo más rescatable de internet. |
From: "Tony Cifani" Your magazine has always been my favorite place on the web for photography. It is also popular with almost everyone I know who knows images. I shot these pictures last week during a gathering in our town. Your new cover inspired me to share my feelings on the matter- which I believe are quite unanimous here between people. Peace. |
From: Roxana de los Ríos Me gustaria saber como mandar
mis trabajos, a pesar de que en este momento no me encuentro trabajando
sobre la foto, y aunque ya no imprimo debido a que no encuentro ningun
laboratorio por aqui tengo un scanner de negativos y puedo mandar las
imagenes. Solo nescesito saber que formato ustedes requieren y cual es
la compresion de imagen que mas les conviene. |
From: Alejandro En realidad visite por primera vez ZoneZero hace varios años....creo que 1997 cuando eran unos pocos fotografos los que la nutrían. Cada algun tiempo la miraba y siempre mi satisfaccion fue total. Hoy vovli a visitarla y realmente me gusto su contenido..... Queiro un esfuerzo enorme que nos beneficia a todos los que amamos la fotografia y hacemos de ella nuestro lenguaje y medio de vida. Te cuento que hace 23 años me inicie en el fotoperiodismo en Argentina. He trabajado en diarios, revistas y agencias de noticias nacionales e internacionales. Hace algunos años me
especialice en la fotografia deportiva y aun me muevo en ese ambito. Te mando un fuerte abrazo
y te reitero mis felicitaciones por el trabajo... |
From: "shreepad joglekar" Hi there I have always been searching new sources of education to further my knowledge in the field of photography, and this site " Zone Zero ", has been my all time favorite!! I read / write /ask /answer a lot of stuff on but I was always looking for someplace where you get to see work of diverse kinds and not restricted to just Black and White or anything like that. Finally let me come to THE point, I would like to get registered here and going further I would also like to submit some of my work samples very soon. Thanks, |
From: elin luque Estimado Pedro: le agradezco profundamente me tenga en su agenda informativa y le pido que nunca me vaya a borrar. Atentamente Elin Luque - |
From: "Libby Russell" From the opening cover page it is clear this site means business Subtitled From Analogue to Digital Photography, the site provides in-depth comment on this topical issue. Particularly useful is the Digital corner of the Magazine. A variety of issues are discussed and written about from the point of view of a photographer. Articles include whether schools should only teach digital techniques, digital imaging on a budget, and comparisons between new products such as cameras. Visit the Editorial section and enjoy the succinct writing of Pedro Meyer, the Editor. The content is carefully thought out providing an insightful look into aspects of the world of photography. Editorial titles have included 'Traditional Photography vs Digital Photography' - why the two schools of thought are not so far apart as many would have us believe; 'Tools vs content' - how the camera can influence the content of a photograph and why, with the advent of digital cameras, this issue is especially relevant; as well as interesting viewpoints on taking photographs. Visit the section labelled 'Previous Editorials' to locate these articles. Other features include reviews of books, forums, and the very popular Portfolios section where an international line-up of professionals are represented. Whilst the portfolios are a treat to any eye, the other zone dedicated to talent, the Gallery, provides a unique selection of top photographers from around the world, each closely scrutinised by the Editor and his team. The calibration features and site tour are added bonuses to users of this site. Visit |
From: john crowleyDate:
Mon, 30 Jul 2001 15:12:28 +0100 Greetings from Ireland. This year has been a very busy one for me, being involved in a large exhibition in my home town of Clonmel with my colleague John D Kelly. CalledChanging Townscape it were shown in the County Museum and was seen by over 6,000 people during its run, ( a record for a black-and-white photographic exhibition in my area). I also was anxious to get it seen on the Web so I built my own site and got about 60 per cent of it up. I also have a link to your site from mine, I hope this is okay. My web address is So time has been at a premium in terms of learning and more importantly implementing this learning. Again many thanks for the inspiration. John Crowley |
From: "jcholt5" For several years I have been a teacher of college-level photography. Some years ago, I was asked to design an online credit course for a New Jersey college and some 350 students have now completed that course. I and they have learned much about craft and technology. Lately I've been giving some thought to encouraging students to begin to tell stories with their pictures. Then I found your site. I guessed, nearly three hours have passed now as I've wondered about. I've thoroughly enjoyed what you have to offer and can humbly say that the design and level of interaction is outstanding. Could you better acquaint me with how you might consider working with an educator and some students who would be interested in telling their stories with pictures? Many thanks as I look forward
to hearing from you. |
From: "Farah Mahbub" Having enjoyed your magazine over the years it seemed inevitable to register one day. Good Stuff prevails in it although sometimes I wish there was photographic art in Gallery Sections without any nudes . But I guess its the way of the west and I can always click out of there ..... thank you for a great virtual magazine. Self Profile General: At Present teaching photography at the "Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture" , while freelancing as a commercial photographer. And in the petite spare moments life gives me, are spent in my minds own room dreaming and scheming up plans to travel in search of fresh images, and to experiment further with new techniques and processes. Life has been wonderful and photography a complete high. To me Fine Art Photography is a silent pleasure for the eyes of the soul. I believe it does wonders in making us realize how minuscule we really are. How little we have seen of the awe-inspiring world that surrounds us and ever so often drowns us. And then with time we become conscious of His presence, The Creator of the Creations. Regards |
From: laurachessin Regards, |
From: Peter Dibdin I also have just read Pedro Meyer's article on digital photography and the future. I have been working with young people using digital photography to promote positive change upon a very run down estate that they live on. We are just beginning to see some change happening that will be recorded on line as soon as it happens. I thought that this would be of interest to you the url is I would hope that you have the time to visit it. I would also be most interested in being informed about future updates of your web site. Many thanks again and best wishes. Peter Dibdin |
From: "Patricia Daumas" |
From: Fernando RincónSalas He fotografiado de todo, pero
puede destacarse que en mi época universitaria me centré
bastante en fotografía deportiva y en la fotografía astronómica
(he tenido y tengo muchas aficiones), además del reportaje de lo
que fuera, que es para mí una pasión. La Semana Santa de
mi Valladolid natal, con toda su carga emocional y plástica la
he plasmado en diversas ocasiones. Mis viajes por supuesto siempre han
sido fotografiados. También he hecho retrato. Incluso participé
en un taller de Alberto Schomer para fotógrafos profesionales en
1994, yo era el único aficionado. Para mi fue muy importante, aprendí
mucho a pesar de que hacía muchos años que fotografiaba.
Sin embargo desde entonces mi actividad fotográfica cayó
bastante debido a mis actividades profesionales, pero nunca la he dejado. |
From: "Daniel Cosio" Es impresionente su sitio, ya lo recomendé con casi todo el que tiene que ver con fotografía o diseño y con quien he tenido una conversación que tenga que ver con el tema. Muchas felicidades. |
Fom: "Manuel Bello
From: "Flor Acosta" Hola Pedro, he estado recibiendo la pagina y me ha parecido sensacional, de hecho la he recomendado en clase para apoyo a investigaciones asi como referente para algunos fotografos, que estan en busqueda de su linea de trabajo, vean fotografias y asi fortalezcan sus inquietudes visuales. Ahora dejo de impartir cursos en dos Universidades Privadas de Guadalajara e hire a estudiar un Master de Fotografia a Madrid asi que te agradeceria si cambias mi direccion electronica para seguir en contacto con Ustedes. Un abrazo |
From: "Garry Parkin" |
From: juan brenner |
From: "gerardo J.
Beretta Buckley" |
From: Ian Clark Tanks again |
From: "Salvador A.
Sosa" However I've had trouble placing
this site in the context of a commercial site. Anyhow whatever you intention
I love the site and will visit it often. Salvador A. Sosa Austin TX USA 78704 |
From: "Panduka De
Silva" I would like to be registered
with Zonezero. |
From: "ailin pal" hi! pls register me! n keep up the great work on this site! thanks lots! |
From: Patricia Leeds |
From: "Javier Gil" |
From: Don Wood |
From: "sb" |
From: Julie Hola, Despues fui a mirar su website y claro que me encanta, me gusta como esta hecho, por su frescura y su funcionamiento sencillo. Me parece muy bien la idea de que se pueda exponer asi, y la apertura a gente de todos lados. Voy a mandar tanbien unos trabajos en poco tiempo, trabajo con la foto y uso el digital para variar los puntos de vista y trabajar en el tiempo. Me gustaria estar al dia de
las actividades que realizan. |
From: "gonzalo vargas" quisiera registrarme, mi dirección
electronica es |
From: Dean Pajevic |
From: Taylor/Uelsmann Dear Pedro, Your site is always wonderful, and we particularly enjoyed the new Witkin show--very engaging and moving work. Your editorial on traditional vs digital photography was insightful as well. Best wishes, Maggie Taylor and Jerry Uelsmann and |
From: Andy Gordon <> |
From: Michel Lefebvre |
From: profbif Dan |
From: kate joyce The fortune of clicking into your exhibition site, came tonight via my friend Jim Stone. I came to look at his series of "Conversations" and spent the next two hours in Mexico's red light district, in Evgen Bavcar's Mirror of Dreams, thinking about my own symbolic blindness, spinning new definitions for why I hunger for creating and communicating through photography, all the while thinking how thankful I am for this excellent and expansive resource, ZoneZero. I am so excited, not to mention a little overwhelmed, with the prospect of spending many more hours with the artist's work on this website. Thank you and I look forward to learning from your dedication and publication of such a diverse selection of photographers/artists/humanitarians/storytellers... My best to you, |
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