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Some of the letters we have received at ZoneZero |
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Galba Sandras Dear Zonezero. I am currently
living in the northest os Brazil as a working photographer in the
areas of advertizementt and fashion. I found out about Zonezero reading about a friend who was showcased on your website. As soon as I entered the web side I felt it was a place I would like to be in touch with for its quality, ayout and diversity of work and people from around the world. Congratulations for your great work. Galba Sandras ps: I wiil soon submit some of my work for your apreciation |
From: Alison Jackson I am sending this email to compliment on your amazing photographic publication and web site. Not only are ZoneZero's gallery photos original, intruiging and first rate, but the bylines and the presentation of your entire web site is next to none. It is a thorough pleasure to visit your site! |
Pablo Antoli To all the ZoneZero team, Thank you for all the effort you put into building such a fantastic project. I found in ZoneZero incredibly inspiring content that has deeply influenced my views on photography and multimedia. Your work is stimulating and gives new hope to the documentary tradition. Keep up with the good work. Kind regards, Pablo Antolí |
Robert W. Frank Pedro Robert "Ferd" Frank |
From: Edgar Pulido Hola Un saludo, he leído y navegado por la página casi desde sus comienzos,
no recuerdo cuanto tiempo ha pasado, y ahora que me registro por segunda
ocasión, ¨la primera fue hace mucho¨ me da nostalgia y a la vez emoción el
pensar.. ¨como dice el editorial¨ la tecnología se nos vino encima... Atentamente |
From: Nemanja Brankovic Well, actually I have been visiting you site for a long time. In first I was learning how to become a photographer and I discovered what I want to do for the rest of my life. Observing the portfolios that the people have on your site inspired me to experiment and learn new things. I would like very much to receive your bulletin and also to participate with my portfolio. Thank you very much, |
From: Asca S.R. Aull Good evening, Pedro Thank you for your ever-generous and fraternal opportunity to share in your devotion and support for the photographic arts... I'd also like to say it is an absolute pleasure to experience and participate in your quality and website... You and your organization are truly remarkable and I will forward your site to my friends around the globe who are photographers as well... I have submiited some of my work for both your portfolio and gallery opportunities...bien sur...(smile) Respectfully and most-appreciatively...Asca S.R. Aull |
From: katsunori Señores |
From: Joseba Bengoetxea / Fotografía Hola, estoy encantado con vuestro espacio que visito con asiduidad. Me parece uno de los referentes mas importantes sobre fotografía en la red. Os solicito me incluyáis en vuestro registro y que me enviéis la información que estimeis oportuna a esta mis dirección. Un saludo. Joseba Bengoetxea Perfecto |
From: Susan Sermoneta I'm registering - and I'm really happy to have been led to this site. Photographs of my father are on Flickr, and Cathy Greenblat (whom I don't know) saw them and emailed me the link for "I Photograph to Remember." Then Daniel Meadows responded to my email sending him the link to "I Photograph to Remember" by telling me about this site and more. (Hooray for Flickr, hooray for the internet!) I look forward to exploring the site in depth and at length.... Susan Sermoneta |
From: Robert McLeroy Pedro, My name is Robert McLeroy, I am a photogapher at the San Antonio Express-News. I also teach photojournalism at the University of Texas at Austin. I would like your permission to use your website as a teaching tool for my class. I discovered your site while researching the subject of altered photographs and found your excellent editorial about Patrick Schneider. I would also find your calibration page useful for beginning photojournalists who are making the transition from analog to digital. Espero su respuesta. Robert McLeroy |
From: Gustavo Varela Gustavo Varela Diaz |
From: Paulo Jurgelenas Estimados Directores de Zonezero: Me seria muy grato que incluyeran mi direcciòn de correo electrònico para recibir la informaciòn de su web en mi casilla. Soy Docente Universitario e investigador sobre fotografìa en la Ciudad de Córdoba Argentina y me encuentro realizando un Doctorado en Artes de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, con un proyecto de investigaciòn sobre la fotografìa Argentina Contemporánea. Lic. Paulo Jurgelenas |
From: Leonardo Ricciardi Querida gente de Zonezero: Les escribo en primer lugar para que me incluyan en su lista de correo, en segundo lugar quería agradecerles todo lo que hacen por la fotografía amateur. Les cuento que estoy estudiando fotografía en una escuela de Buenos Aires , Argentina. Me enteré de esta página por una amiga y quedé impactado por la calidad de los trabajos y la diversidad de los mismos. Leonardo Ricciardi |
From: Matthew Parker Dear Zone Zero, Wow, I can't believe I just found you. I have recently made the leap to digital. It's still hard to do my darkroom work in daylight! I love your sight, and just spent the last three hours experiencing it, and I'm not half way done! Love it, thanks! I hope to see it daily. Sincerely, |
From: Arnoldas Jurgaitis Hello, My name is Arnoldas Jurgaitis, photographer from Lithuania. For more detailed review and opinions I have placed some works at I want my news in html version. Thank you in advance Kind regards, Arnoldas Jurgaitis |
From: JimD I work as an engineer in Silicon Valley. My education is in photography. I have an MFA from the University of New Mexico. Even though I have a day job I do photography in my spare time. Digital tools have been a personal renaissance for me and my interest in photography since they facilitate the image making process without the need for a darkroom. For my interests Zone Zero is one of the better 'serious' sources for contemporary image making/ Regards, JimD |
From: Jonn Leffmann In 1999 I stopped working as a press photographer. I had then spent 15 years doing it. I like zone zero for the big diversity of different photogaphers, and Best regards Jonn Leffmann |
From: Laura Buchholz I first saw zone zero while studying photography in Ecuador, and am now in Minneasota at Macalester College, where we have very little access to photography resources. I am the president of the photography club and am trying to get the members to look at some work done by people outside the US. Laura Buchholz |
From: Francesco Imperato. Hi,
From: Anandaroop Ghosh Hi,
From: Shannon Hi there, My name is Shannon and Im studying photography at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in South Africa. I'm Specialising in Fashion and Documentary. Im writting an essay on documentary and my approach is how involved should a photographer be in his subjuect matter. I mean this in the context of when does a photographer stop taking the photographs and start physically helping the person whos being beaten or assaulted. Does the photographer get involved at all? And what emotional damage can war photography and photojournalism cause to the photographer. Thank you for supplying such a brilliant site, its verry inspiring! Thanks again
From: Don
Michie Please register me to receive your newsletter. I am studying photography as a night school student at Ryerson University in Toronto. My interests are documentary and street photography and also portraiture. I shoot medium and large format and am transitioning into the digital world. I have had zone zero bookmarked for some time and browse regularly for inspiration. Your site is particularly interesting because of its international scope. Please keep up the good work. Regards -- Don Michie |
From: Hello Nice to have met you in the net:-) Good Beginning:-) |
From: juliana duque Hi, my name is Juliana Duque and i'd like to recieve news in html version regarding the website, it has truly inspired me. i was at a complete creativity plateau, brain blocked trying to find some form of inspiration. the opportunity to see what other people around the world are doing has given me some kind of boost, like im not alone in the search for images. thank you |
Jorge V. Gavilondo Estimados amigos de ZoneZero: Los invito por esta vía a que revisen mi recién inaugurado sitio web ( agradezco cualquier comentario... Soy un ferviente lector de los editoriales de Pedro y admirador de su fotografía... considero ZoneZero un foro importantísimo y de vanguardia en la orientación de los fotógrafos y particularmente los latinoamericanos, hacia una interpretación "revolucionaria" de las técnicas digitales en fotografía, y una visión más completa de toda esta actividad humana... a ello estoy dedicando parte de mis energías con mis colegas coterráneos... Un saludo, |
Alexandra Boak Kelly Hi registering - love Zone zero - reminds me of a place here in New York that a visual artist opened and where there is a tremendous feeling of creating community, something which seems to be getting eroded more and more - community. Name Alexandra Boak Kelly thanks |
Juan Carlos Alonso R. Señores ZoneZero Soy artista y fotógrafo colombiano. Actualmente resido y estudio en Barcelona. Me gusta mucho su página. Desde hace un tiempo he estado buscando una página con información y trabajos sobre fotografía artística y experimental. La propuesta de la página como encuentro de fotógrafos, información, foros, etc. me parece muy bien organizado y claro; y me parece exelente que se de un énfasis muy grande a la producción latinoamericana. Por otro lado me parece excelente que se haya incluído el trabajo "Photograph to Remember" via on-line, ya que desde hace mucho tiempo intentaba verlo. Quisiera registrarme para recibir noticias del site. Muchas Gracias y Felicitaciones |
"Eneraldo Carneiro" Dear Pedro, I'm a brazillian photographer living in Rio de Janeiro. I would like to congratulate you and the team of Zone Zero for a very good work done in the site. It's a valuable source for anybody who pratice and/or think photography. I'm preparing a post graduate project and Zone Zero is one of the places I'm doing research: reading articles, editorials and the debate about some in the foruns. In special the discussions about documentary photography, my favorite specialty, and photojournalism. The Editorial of April 2000: "Redefining Documentary Photography" has catch my attention, such as the article "The LA Times fires a photographer" (where I agree with you), as I think is (or will be sooner or later) no longer possible, or desirable, to uphold the credibility of that kind of photography as truthful and trust in itself. What I'm looking for, and that's why I'm writing you, is for some examples and sources, if you know some, of documentary photographers working in the direction you point in the April 2000 editorial. The theme I'm planing to explore is just the contemporary tendencies in documentary photography. Any help or feedback will be appreciated. I thank you for the time for reading this and appologise for any inconvenience. And sorry for don't write in spanish. As a portuguese speaker I felt no confidence to try in spanish, as the resemblances between the two languages make it triky. I'd prefer to commit any "slaugther" in a language that's a foreign one for we both. Best wishes Eneraldo Carneiro |
Gabriel Liévano Buen día ZONEZERO. mi nombre es GABRIEL FERNANDO LIEVANO QUIMBAY de profesión Publicista y Fotógrafo Publicitario. Dedicado a la bella profesión de la fotografía desde el año 1978. Actualmente soy el Director de la carrera de Fotografía en la ESCUELA SUPERIOR PROFESIONAL INPAHU. Me gustaría contar con sus valiosos aportes a la academia. Por su atención, mil
y mil gracias. |
"talia vega" Hello, My name is Talia Vega Leon . I am currently studying in Montréal at Concordia University, however, my country of origin is Peru. I am enrolled in the Double Major in Art History and Film Studies as well as the Minor in Photography. I am pleased to have stumbled upon ZoneZero. I believe it gives artists and photography lovers the opportunity to exchange ideas and be informed. I would like to be part of the mailing list and would like to receive your bulletin in HTML. Thank you, |
Hola!!! Mi nombre es Angélica Cecilia Olea Jiménez, tengo 28 años, soy Chilena y Fotógrafa de vocación, trabajo en Policía de Investigaciones como Perito Fotógrafo Forence, en este momento estoy en la ciudad de Antofagasta, y espero volver a Santiago el próximo año. Supe de esta página por el Fotógrafo Héctor López, un gran amigo. Me ha encantado la página desde que la vi por primera vez (esto hace tiempo) pero ahora decidí registrarme por que mi mundo (acá de Antofagasta) se ve reducido de gente que pueda gustar del tema y hablar de fotografía, y me siento en casa al ver y explorar zonezero, de veras que me a ayudado, además me entero de las fotografias de otros y de mis compatriotas. Bueno, creo que está claro que me gustaría que mis noticias sean en HTML. Un beso y mucha suerte, con cariño... Angélica |
"Jennifer Gordon" Dear Pedro, I would love to get your news letters. I have been a photographer and teacher in South Africa since 1976 but I have mostly worked with disadvantaged communities and so have rarely had access to the net. I discovered ZoneZero recently when I started working with people at community organisations in Durban South. I would love to share you Zone Zero with both my University and disadvantaged students. Warm Regards, Lecturer PhotoJournalism |
Josep Vicent Monzó Estimados amigos, desearía que me registrarais en vuestra página, para recibir vuestras noticias. ¿Que tal Pedro? Visito vuestra página muy a menudo, pero nunca tenia tiempo para registrarme, por fin hoy. Saludos para todos los amigos mexicanos... --------------------------------------------------------------- Josep Vicent Monzó |
From: Hi, My name is Fernando Fogliano. I am from Sao Paulo, Brazil and I am connected to digital photography in many ways. The begin of my professional life was in the scientific field, I worked at the Astronomy Department of IAGUSP, and there I took contact with scientific imaging. I studied Semiotics ( Master, PhD) at Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo researching on digital imaging. After these studies I began to teach digital photography at SENAC. This is the first graduation course in photography in Brazil ( as long as I know). Besides I am a photographer and researching on photography at SENAC. I would like to express here my admiration for Pedro Meyer's work. I think it represents one of the most important contributions to contemporary photography. I've been receiveing the newsletter for long time but for some reason it stoped coming. Could please include my address in your list. My name: Fernando Fogliano Thank you very much Fernando Fogliano |
Hinz | Löffel Wilfried Hinz About me ... I was born on December 3rd, 1959 in Berne/Switzerland. Today I’m living together with my wife and my son in Belp, near the Swiss capital Berne. Switzerland is a rather small country in the heart of Europe and about 7 million people life in this country. From 1996 – 1998 I learned the basic skills and techniques of a photographer at the School of Arts (Schule für Gestaltung) in Berne. From 1999-2001 I continued my studies to become a professional photographer together with the GAF 99 (Group autodidact photographers). Although I spend a lot of time with photography I work part-time in an organisation in Berne called BETAX. This organisation has the role of a taxi for handicapped people. The work there is sometimes quite hard but I enjoy it very much. Beside the photography I have another passion: travelling around the world. I have set my foot on different continents: Australia, Asia, North- and Central America , Africa and almost all countries throughout Europe. Through my travels I have started taking pictures. I always found it very fascinating, to capture a split second for eternity. When later looking at this picture it brings back the whole variety of memories. I work with equipment of LEICA and CANON. Specially the black & white photography is what I like most passionately . Here I prefer the old, classic black & white reporting films (Kodak Tri-X ISO 400 and Ilford HP 5 ISO 400). In my own black & white laboratory as well as on my computer I can work on the pictures myself. With some of my black & white pictures (series as well as single pictures) I have won national and international prices and certificates. I seldom work with colour films. However, I just lately was elected as being 4th (out of 2000 pictures) in the International AGFA contest 2001. The 24mm lens is my favourite lens for various situations. I can work with a wonderful perspective without standing too close to the object. When it comes to portrait pictures I almost always chose the 90 mm lens. |
"lazaro sandoval" Me parece que Zonezero es sin duda la mejor web de fotografia en México y America Latina. Soy fotografo desde hace 19 años en el estado de Morelos y he trabajado con el Maestro Carlos Jurado en la catedra que impartre en la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos. Quiero incluir materiales en la pagina de zonezero y me den la oportunidad de hacerlo. |
Deborah Orloff Please register me I'd Like my news in html version. Great website! Nice to see such a variety of artists from around the world! Thanks for providing this important venue for contemporary photography. Deborah Orloff |
"Maria Jose Cogwel" Mi nombre es María José Cogwel Escobar. las noticias las prefiero recibir en formato HTML,será un placer estar de alguna forma conectada con ustedes, quiero estar al tanto de lo ocurre, a nivel de críticas fotograficas, como de exposiciones y la verdad de todo lo que se vincule con fotografía, su página es excelente, los temas son contingentes, y eso me agrada, por otra parte me sirve mucho, ya que estudio en la universidad de chile, licenciatura en arte, mención pintura, pero muy interesada en la fotografía. espero respuestas, un gran saludo. |
dkidd My name is Davida Kidd I am a photography based artist from Vancouver BC CANADA I will be submitting work to your web site. I have an MFA and have a solo exhibition coming up at PLATFORM Centre for Photographic and Digital Art in 2005 in Winnipeg Manitoba CANADA. I also have a solo exhibition in 2006 at the National Museum in Krakow Poland. I look at your site regularly and am glad to see that all methods of photography are represented and mixed together in the exhibitions that you curate. I worry sometimes that photography that is digitally manipulated becomes segregated as "Digital Art". I am leery of putting my work into any strictly digital art context, at least at this point as I feel this work often gets labeled as illustration. dominated by photo-shop effects. Of course this is only my opinion! These issues are always interesting to discuss as catagories for work are still freshly being created for various new technology-based and influenced art. Cheers, |
TERESA PEREZ Por fin me encuentro con un espacio en la red en donde la fotografia existe para todos los gustos, y preferencias, y en mi primera lengua, les felicito por esta pagina, es fantastica, he inspiradora, aparte de que la pagina es simple, sencilla, y muy bien elaborada, felicito a todos los fotografos por su buen trabajo, y tambien felicito a todos lo colaboradores de esta pagina por brindar esta gran oportunidad, a nosotros los fotografos, tanto aficinados, como profesionales. Saludos desde New York. |
francesca Hi Zone Zero, I'm an italian photojournalist and I'd like to be registered to your mailing list. I'm really interested to see your web site and this is very usefull for my job and in changing my points of view. So thank you, |
ramon de pool hot mail Saludos al amigo Pedro M. Me llamo Ramón De Pool
de Maracaibo Venezuela Tu página la consulto permanentemente para mis clases de fotografía digital en la universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín. A los alumnos les encanta, por los foros, una manera de estar actualizado a nivel internacional sobre temas del momento. Uno de los puntos que tiene mi programa es La ética y estética en la fotografía digital como también, la vanguardia en lo que a fotografía digital se refiere. Es interesante la polémica del fotógrafo Brian Walski que altero una fotografía sobre la guerra de Irak como también tu muestra Verdades y Ficciones, la cual analizamos a profundidad. |
Jorge Sanhueza-Lyon hello there. I am and have been for a long time a huge fan of I am a documentary photographer from Chile living in the United States. Could you please send me information about submitting work for the many gallery's and portfolios that appear on your site. Thank You Very Much.. Jorge Sanhueza-Lyon. |
"Strapping" Hola! Soy Sara, una chica que desea dedicar su vida profesional a la fotografia, empece en Malaga estudiando la carrera de Comunicacion Audiovisual y ahora estoy en Bristol, Inglaterra, haciendo un curso de fotografia. Conoci vuestra web un dia buscando información para mis trabajos de la universidad y ahora cada vez que necesito algo siempre es el primer sitio en el que busco. Toda la información me ayuda y orienta para poder abrirme camino en el mundo de la fotografia, porque estoy en un punto que no se donde empezar a buscar trabajo ahora que estoy terminando mis estudios. Esta es la razón principal por la que me gustaria registrarme, y seria un placer tener pronto noticias vuestras. Un saludo, Sara. |
Siamack Sioshansi I just found ZoneZero and am impressed with your ingenuity to find a space outside of the normal commercial publishing world to bring such good work to light. This is a labor of love and my love is with you. You are an outlet for so many good photographers and story teller who would otherwise be frustrated by the hurdles associated with publishing their work. You are wonderful. God bless you. |
Alberto Pigola Hola Quería registrarme
a zonezero. Alberto Pigola |
"nelkis ramírez" Hola Benjamín: Saludos fraternales Nelkis Leonor |
"Crostelli Raul Oscar" Conocí la página a través de un colega y compañero de taller me parecio extraordinaria, alli no solo vi fotos de personas que conosco sino muchos autores más, los felicito!!!! siempre pensé que tenía que existir un lugar que nos contenga y que llegue a todo el mundo para que nuestras obras adquieran la dimensión que merecen y uds. lo hacen posible, sé de fotografía pero muy poco de computación así que en un próximo mail les mandaré mi obra para la sección portafolios. Sin más los saluda atentamente. Cristina |
"jose stephens" ¡Hola que tal ! Soy Pepe Stephens, compositor
de la ciudad de México. Siendo mi abuelo fotógrafo aficionado
en los 30's y 40's, me despertó el ojo desde chico. Más que felicidades, muchas gracias. |
"jose hernandez" dear zonezero, i have been enjoying your
web site for several months now and decided to register. thank you and best wishes, José Hernández |
"Donna Wilcox" I have just spent time on your site and I am on fire. |
"Manolo martin" Estimado amigo: Tan solo unas palabras de aliento y agradecimiento. Soy fotógrafo amateur, y hace un par de semanas recibÌ por correo electrónico una muy atenta carta en la que me preguntaban el precio de los derechos de reproducción de una de mis fotos (que habÌan visto, precisamente, en zonezero) para la portada de un CD musical. Una vez hube comprobado que el grupo en cuestión no hacÌa versiones de julio iglesias ni remixes veraniegos...;-), sino folk gitano húngaro de muy fresca calidad..., les di encantado mi precio 'más amable' y..., pensé que este alegrón lo tenía que compartir con zonezero (puede imaginar a este amateur andaluz haciendo un contrato en inglés para controlar al máximo sus derechos -y aparentar experiencia-!). Que ese desconocido editor musical buscara una foto para su disco en zonezero, y que me encontrara... Es totalmente mérito suyo. Que no decaiga! Gracias por zonezero. Manolo Martín. Huelva. |
"RICHARD GARREY" Hi, What a find. I simply stumbled across your web site as I was looking for another. Your approach to everything from design, photography, information & interpersonal contact is a benchmark for other sites to and achieve. I'm 57 and belatedly received
a MFA in Photography from UCLA last December. After Graduating from the
Rhode Island School of Design spent the next 25 years as a graphic Designer,
the last 12 with my own small boutique firm here in Los Angeles. My dedication is to Photo Journalism with a strong slant towards the forgotten. I just finished a project on Pet Cemeteries, one involving the ICU of Children's Hospital in Los Angeles, and am working on a study of S&M but in a kind and gentle approach emphasizing the warmth and legitimate bond some of these couples have. But I also have shot my share of landscapes, portraits, landmarks etc. to keep a crust of bread in my mouth. I hope I haven't written too much so I'll end it here. Again, it is pleasure to meet you and I will submit some work to your portfolio section in the coming days. Richard E. Garrey |
"ronn taylor" My name is ronn taylor and
after an extended absence to your site, I've rediscovered ZoneZero. It
is an inspirational site and much more than just photography. Regards, |
"HECTOR RIO" Mi nombre es Héctor Alejandro Rio, soy de Rosario, Argentina y trabajo como reportero gráfico en el diario "El Ciudadano y la Región" de ésta ciudad y como colaborador del diario deportivo "Ole". Zona Zero me parece unas de las más completas páginas de fotografía que hay en la web y sin dudas que es la más práctica de todas. Saludos |
"Perazzolo" I've discovered your site at about one year and a half ago, and nowadays I haven't finished to explore it yet! So keep me informed about everything new, someday I'm gonna send some of my works! Go on! |
"Valery Titievsky" My name is Valery Titievsky. I live in Russia, Siberia in Novosibirsk. I photograph life in the West Siberia and Russia for newspapers and magazines. I liked your Web page. Very beauty. "I want my news in html version". Respectfully yours, |
From: "Andrés
Cribari" Hola, Mi nombre es Andrés Cribari, soy fotógrafo uruguayo y me gustaría recibir información de zonezero, ya que a mi entender es uno de los sitios de fotografía más importante de América Latina. Agradezco me envíen la info a mi mail. |
"Lim Kher Chuen [Lisa]" Hi, I am Kher Chuen LIM form Malaysia.
would like to joint ZoneZero to discover the world of Digital photography.
My Detail are as follow Thanks and Regards Lisa Lim Kher Chuen |
jguadalupe perez Sr Meyer. En la actualidad me encuentro sando un taller sobre foto digital en la Universidad Autono de Cd. Juarez, materia que en la actualidad se mentiene como una de tantas optativas que aparecen y desaparecen del panorama academico de esta intitucion. Debo deciros que en lo que va del curso, el portal de zone zero -articulos, la misma galeria, los editoriales, etc. se han constituido en un punto de referencia obligado para mi y para los alumnos que se incribieron en el taller. Entre otras cosas por que ahi hemos hallado el espejo en el cual observar los alcances, las limitaciones, los aciertos y los errores que pueden hallarse en cuanto se trabaja con una imagen digital. Ya que si bien la alteracion digital de las imagenes se halla a la vuelta de la esquina mayormente en cuanto a la foto comercial se refiere, hacia falta ese punto de referencia en donde la imagen digital pudiera ser apreciada a otros niveles, tal vez artisticos, tal vez que sirvan para el analisis y la discusion academica. El asunto es que nos preguntabamos si podriamos enviarle algunos de los trabajos, no con el fin de que sean exhibidos en las galerias -amen de que el curso aun no concluye- sino para que pudiera ofrecernos algun comentario u observacion y tener asi digamos el diagnostico de una voz autorizada en la materia. Me despido no sin antes felicitarle
por ese gran portal para la foto digital que es zonezero. JGuadalupe Perez / Fotografo
freelance |
"Maureen E Mulvihill" Another good issue of ZZ,
Pedro. Maureen E. Mulvihill, PhD "Relentless caper, for
all those who step the legend of their youth into the noon." |
"Coutiño" Hola, quisiera registrarme en la lista de correos de ZoneZero. Estudio Comunicacion en la Universidad Iberoamericana de la ciudad de MÈxico y estoy haciendo un trabajo para titularme sobre la fotografia an·loga y la digital en relacion a la realidad fÌsica. He encontrado mucho material que me ha servido en esta pagina de Internet, obviamente todo lo he usado citando las fuentes. |
sreekumar viswanathan My name is E.V.Sreekumar, Chief photographer of one of India's largest circulated daily in India -'malayala manorama'. I am 37 yers old and I have been in the institution for the past 13 years. I find the job very intersting as my daily schedule includes taking a cocktail of programmes like striking employees,relegious festivals, traditional dance forms,sports,monsoon,draughts etc etc. You can very well imagine the variety of assignments we are doing daily. This variety makes the job still interesting after 13 years. I prefer using 'Nikon' equipments and I presently use the nikond1h whichI find a very useful camera for newspaper photographers. I work in the souther state of the country called 'INDIA' called'Kerala'. This state is the most beautiful state and tourists from all over the world come here to enjoy the scenic beauty . 'National Geographic' magazine finds kerala as the 'must see' 20 places in the world. |
"Carolyn" Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!!! En Internet existe mucha informacion, uno no da abasto, para tanta Mala, Regular y Buena, pero excepcionales como son contadas. Agradezco mucho por el buen trabajo que estan realizando, y por los momentos de Placer que a los amantes del Arte de la luz estan brindando, Sigo en contacto,un abrazo. Carlos A Gil Diaz |
"ANAMITRA CHAKLADAR" Hi, I am a Photojournalist based in New Delhi, India. I work in a 24/7 news channel. I have visited quite a few sites who cater to photographs... and I must say this site is very unique and inspiring. I would like to be put on the mailing list. Thanks, |
"Renato Molina" HOLA!!! Me enteré de su sitio en una revista de Mexicana de Aviación y me parece fantástico. Tengo varios años de estar en "esta onda" de la fotografía digital, antes había estado solo en 35 mm. Estoy asociado al Club Fotográfico de Guatemala donde participamos todos los meses en distintos concursos (los ultimos jueves de cada mes). Agradeceré que me incluyan en la lista de personas para recibir información. Resido en Guatemala pero viajo constantemente por cuestiones de trabajo. Me encanta la fotografía de arquitectura y gentes. Cordiales saludos, |
"Steeve Philip DUBOIS" Thank you for including me in your mailing list. My name is Steeve Ohilip DUBOIS. I am from Mauritius, an island in the Indian Ocean. I am 42 years old and I have been taking photography seriously for the past 24 years. I am the president of the Cercle des Artistes Photographes, the only photo club of the island. We are affiliated to the International Federation for the Photographic Art (FIAP). I am semi professional and I hold an AFIAP, a distinction from the FIAP. Best regards |
Mi nombre es Susana Pastor. Soy fotografa y profesora de tres cursos de fotografia en la Facultad de Ciencias y Artes de la Comunicacion de la Universidad Catolica del Peru (en Lima): -Fotografia Mi formacion es de Comunicadora
Social. He trabajado en cine, fotografia y la docencia. Siempre visito su pagina y es de lectura obligada para mis alumnos. Es mas, es parte de la bibliografia en los silabos de mis cursos. Es muy interesante, variada, agil, facil de navegar y sobre todo con version en español. Aqui en el Peru hay poca bibliografia fotografica (sobre todo en el tema periodistico y documental) y esa es una de las razones por la cual encuentro Zonzero como FUNDAMENTAL. Un saludo desde Lima |
"braeker" |
From: "secfotos" Buen dia, empezemos por lo importante, los felicito por la revista, debo confesar que era uno de aquellos fotografos que miraba con desden la fotografia digital y a partir de la lectura regular de sus articulos mi parecer ha cambiado, en mi trabajo de prensa usamos una Nikon D1 que cuando puedo la uso para algunos de mis proyectos personales. espero en un futuro proximo enviarles algunas imagenes para un portfolio me despido reiterando mis felicitaciones. |
From: "flasgordo" La presente es para registrarme y poder compartir con UDS todo lo relacionado a esta pasión, no sin antes decirles que es con mucho agrado que lo hago ya que me encontré ( por fin ¡!!) con una pagina a la que da gusto entrar y disfrutar. Realmente da gusto ver el cuidado y la prolijidad que hay en todos los temas que es solo entrar y ver para sentirse bien tratado. Tanto es así que esto me animo a escribirles, y para mi registro les comento que mi nombre es Hugo, vivo en BUENOS AIRES ( REP. ARGENTINA), tengo 50 años y seguramente ya nos encontraremos en algún foro o chat compartiendo alguna charla. Les cuento que estoy preparando algunas tomas con intención de solicitar un portfolio ( si es que me animo...), y ver que les parece. Bueno, creo que ya los moleste bastante, un gusto saludarlos y hasta cualquier momento. By.. . |
From: "enigma" Thank you for the journey through
the twilight zone of sight. Beirut, Lebanon |
From: Kate Salisbury |
"Juanjo Fernandez" Hace tiempo que sigo ZonaZero, y he visto como ha crecido y como se ha ido convirtiendo en un referente en el mundo de la fotografia en el mundo, y no exagero, creo que tenemos mas de un amigo comun, en Madrid, en Nueva York, en Praga. Asi que repasando una vez mas vuestra pagina me he decidido a expresaros mi admiracion, y animaros a seguir creciendo. Un cordial saludo |
Iker Chocarro Buenos dias, soy un aficionado espanol a la fotografia. He encontrado su pagina web interesante en todos los aspectos, desde el diseno de la misma hasta el enfoque que hacen de las nuevas tecnologias en el arte fotografico. Me gustaria por ello registrarme en Zone Zero y estar informado de nuevos portfolios, ensayos etc. Un saludo, Iker Chocarro Aguirrebengoa. |
From: rosetta Reciban un cordial saludo, es la segunda vez que entro a su página y siempre he encontrado artículos muy interesantes y polémicos, las fotos son muy buenas. Soy antropóloga, desde hace varios años tomo forografías; y, mi intención es hacer fotografía antropológica, especialmente ensayo fotográfico. |
From: "hugo" Hola Zona Zero! He descubierto todo un lugar vanguardista de posibilidades desde el lado del arte y la búsqueda, ya que como artista plástico y fotógrafo amateur me siento completamente cubierto con todos los espacios que ustedes ofrecen. Absolutamente Gracias por la capacidad, la pasión y el altruismo en divulgar tan talentosa gente. en nombre de todos mil gracias. No puedo objetar nada de lo vuestro por que como dije el alto nivel Profesional con que se mueven merece toda mi admiración!! Deseo recibir la información
en formato HTML. |
From: "Ricardo
Lopez-Torrijos" |
From: Henner Hofmann Querido Pedro, Como siempre la sorpresa de tus e-mails conteniendo nueva información sobre ZonaZero son fantásticos e interesantes. ZonaZero es por mucho la mejor ventana de fotografía en Internet, los materiales son de una gran riqueza artística, todos y el que mas. Por supuesto que como cinefotógrafo tengo un pequeño desvió hacia la composiciones horizontales pero en el caso de la primera foto publicada en tan largo tiempo es como es y es muy buena, la verticalidad tiene sus beneficios estéticos. Me llamo mucho la atención el articulo de los comparativos con las distintas cámaras yo tengo la Leica Digilux y seguramente veré mas de cerca la Nikon D100. Estoy incorporando fotos digitales al igual que polaroid 6X7 para evaluación de exposición y luz en mi trabajo cinematográfico Te mando un abrazo. Henner Hofmann |
From: m griffin |
From: Kristen Elsby |
From: "Marijke Du Toit" Dear Pedro I would like to let you know that my class of second year students are due to respond to some of your Zonezero editorials in the next few days. In fact, their assignment is due on Monday next. This is part of a larger assignment that requires of each students to complete a related set of tasks - set out for them on So - hopefully they will be thoughtful and reasonably informed comments, although these are fairly young students and beginners in this field. The thrust of the course is to place contemporary debate about digital images within a longer history of photography, as is evident from the course website. They would obviously be thrilled to have a reply from you in the next couple of weeks. They have been told to write fairly short but well formulated and carefully considered responses that reflect their wider reading, and that may provide a URL to webpages that present their own (beginners!) work in photoshop experimenting with the possibilities of altering photographs, on which they are also required to comment. The course has already asked them to think about what it means to read an image, the ways in which 'pre-digital' photography involved framing and a range of other decisions by photographers, and presenting them with contrasting arguments re the potential or problematic of digital imagery for photojournalism and social documentary. I showed them examples of concious politically motivated editing out of people from photographs in 1930s Russia (The Commissar Vanishes - stalinist Russia)and they have readings about similar USA photo manipulations. We also considered the playfulness of some Indian popular photography which disregards conventional notions of realism for studio photos, applies ink and paint to photo's in a avariety of ways and wedding collage-type pictures and brings home the extent to which a range of 'manipulations' s predate photoshop. They really enjoyed looking at the photos from Truth and Fictions, especially as they were also busy with Photoshop workshops and learning various techniques of how to combine different photos etc. After this assignment, their larger research assignment starts and hopefully they'll be finding out and writing interesting things about local (South African) image alteration past and present and about photo's on the net. warm regards, |
From: "Bob Wollheim" |
From: "karla saez de nanclares" Es muy bueno que ahora existan éste tipo de sitios en internet, nos dá muy buenas ideas sobre como tomar fotografias, no copiar, pero podemos influenciarnos por algunos de los expositores.... felicidades Amor y Paz, |
From: Rubén Ramírez Saludos Pedro, A propósito, me gusto mucho el artículo acerca de la fotografía documental en la sección magazine de zonezero. Bueno, saludos Pedro, espero
que todo vaya bien por allá. |
From: Carson Jones Hi Zone Zero, I'm really impressed with your site and more importantly its contents. I'm a professional photographer and a professional Digital guy, and your leading article (B&W or Colour) was very much "bang-on" in my opinion. As a photographer, I still prefer film to a digital back. Film, if shot properly still delivers a richness of tones that I have yet to see in digital exposures, add to that the fact that I don't want to pay $40,000.00 for a professional back which can deliver the goods! Anyway... it's late and I have to get back to work. I've added your link to my 'upcoming' website. Hope you don't mind. Ciao, |
From: "Allen Morrell"
My name is Allen. As a photographer I can appreciate your site. It is done very tastefully and holds my interest for a long time. Some sites one doesn't mind 'zipping' through. Not so for Zone Zero. I take my time so as not to miss anything. Thank you. --- Allen Morrell |
From: "STUMPE photos4you" hi. |
From: Bronwen Heuer I have recently discovered Zone Zero. It is a wonderland for browsing and exploring....and an extra special treat since I have studied Spanish all my life! I first encountered Pedro Meyer back in the early 90s when I was working in Instructional Computing at the State University of NY at Stony Brook. I recommended we purchase his CD "I Photograph to Remember" from Voyager. I found it tender, inspiring, and very innovative.....I am only sad now that I didn't follow his lessons and also capture/photograph my parents in this less-than-beautiful stage of life. I look forward to many fond hours of surfing! I feel like I am in the presence of a master. Bravo for the great job you've done so far! bronwen heuer |
From: Leigh Kane Since their experience with your work was so positive, and since I always enjoy what I find on your site, I've decided to use Zonezero as the official "textbook" for my advanced photo class. Each semester, I usually have a mini-seminar in the large studio class, where we read a book, look at some images, think and talk a bit. We've used a German/English catalog, "Conceptual Photography" one semester; Robert Coles book, "Doing Documentary Work;" "The Body and the Lens;" and several others. Most of the students enjoy it, and it surely helps move them beyond the myth of the artist as mute, naif, visionary. Because this is a state institution, many of the students have trouble reading and writing, making theory quite a stretch for them. But I want them to encounter ideas!! So I decided your website would an excellent source of ideas and images, and would help nudge people along toward digital image-making. (I am working very hard to move us out of the 19th century and into the 21st. But there is not much money and my colleagues are scared that what they do will become irrelevant, or that students will not longer enroll in their classes. It has been an uphill battle the past four years, but we are finally making some headway. The first Digital Photography class in Fine Art was offered last term.) Now I have students in the Photo Studio who are beginning to think about these issues. I am looking forward to exploring Zonezero as a teaching tool. Although I have plenty of ideas about how to approach this, I wonder if you care to throw in your two cents about how to use Zonezero as a tool in a photo class. Best wishes for your continued recovery, Leigh Kane Leigh Kane, Assistant Professor
of Art |
From: "Maurice LeBlanc"
From: alicia ruiz Hola: Que tal mi nombre es Marcela Manjarrez y supe de su pagina atravez de la revista La Tempestad del numero24 que hablaba sobre la Fotografia de Manuel Alvarez Bravo. Me encanta la fotografia y no conocia el trabajo de Pedro Meyer, es facinante que a sus tantos años tenga la energia para seguir evolucionando la fotografia. Del texto que escribio Pedro sobre él dentro del quirofano; me lo podia imaginar los gestos de su cara al estar sentado con su Apple Book mandando la fotografia de los rayos-X a cuantos medicos pudiese. Tengo 19 años y no se casi nada sobre fotografia pero me interesa. Es como algo que no sabes porque, pero te atrae. Me alegra saber, que con una simple foto puedes hacer que millones de personas se asombren y tengan una conclusion cada una diferente sobre lo que pasa en ese recuadro. Es como alentar a que las personas tengan una formas mas fantaciosa de ver las cosas y de filosofar sobre tantos temas que en verdad importantes para vivir mejor. Quisiera felicitar a todos los que hacer posible esta paginas y esperar una respuesta, por lo menos para de agradecimiento si se puede. GRACIAS |
From: "Daniella Toledo"
Les saluda un ferviente admirador de su trabajo. Estoy constantemente viendo las actualizaciones de trabajos y nuevas exposiciones que se desarrollan en "Zonezero". Creo que Uds. llenan un espacio de discusión y de referencia importante en relación a la expresión visual de nuestros tiempos. Una mirada inquieta, crítica y potente sobre las diversas formas expresivas y posibilidades de la Imagen. Valoro vuestro esfuerzo por presentar este espacio de calidad, de una alta libertad de formatos y estilos. Soy fotografo chileno. Espero en algún minuto enviar algún material, el cual he trabajado durante algunos años, es de mi agrado compartir con Uds. este trabajo. Espero información (boletín) de parte de Uds. a mi dirección de correo. Muchos saludos, |
From: Juan Antonio de Luna
Castro Encontre los datos de esta pagina en la revista Cuartoscuro. Y me encontre con ésta agradable sorpresa . He usado por largos años mis camaras fotograficas habituales y me acaban de regalar una camarita Digital que me ha resultado mucho muy interesante. Esta tal camarita ya me hizo comprar una impresora para imprimir alguna de las imagenes que hé tomado y ahora tengo la inquietud de comprarme una camara con una mayor resolución. Tengo 63 años y encontrarme con algo que me de mas luz en estas cosas me gustó mucho. Soy Juan Antonio de Luna Castro. Vivo en la Ciudad de puebla. La verdad les agradeceria que por este medio me enviaran cosas que me sirvan para desarrollar más mis habilidadaes en este nuevo campo. Atentamente, |
From: Kathy Grundlingh Hi Kathy Grundlingh |
From: Joann Leonard I'm so impressed with your site which I came to via the list included with the CameraMate manual. I just took the tour, and I can see here's a place to spend hours, and it looks from my quick review they will be well spent ones, not the usual www.timesink. It's not only packed with information but beautifully designed from both an aesthetic and technical standpoint. I'll be back. Joann Leonard |
From: Jan Arabas I am a Professor of Art and Graphic Design at Middlesex Community College in Massachusetts, USA. I am developing a course on the history of visual images on the World Wide Web. One of my lectures features your Web site. You may read my lecture at This course will be part of the University of Massachusetts eLearning Network, an online division of the state university system. I would be very interested to get your reactions to my lecture. I would also like to request your permission to archive the pages of your Web site that I discuss in my lecture. The archived pages would be placed on a password protected server at my college and would only be available to registered students. Because this course is a history of the Web, I feel that it is important to preserve the pages that I discuss in my lecture. Your site is an important part of Web history and I very much hope that you will allow me to preserve a portion of it as I have described. Please contact me with any questions that you may have at my email address. Thank you Professor of Art |
From: Jiri Matejicek Hello, I would like to recommend your gallery in my amateur newsletter on visual arts (, since I think yours is one of the best photo galleries on the web. Would you like to say something about your gallery (5-10 sentences) or let me write it myself? Thanks. Mondo Colorado |
From: "Ed Zakly" |
From: Verónica Covarrubias Me es muy grato escribirles para solicitar ser regitrada en su maravilloso portal. Además no puedo dejar pasar la oportunidad para felicitarles por su invaluable trabajo en beneplácito de quienes disfrutamos y admiramos del arte fotográfico en todas sus manifestaciones. No me resta más que agradecerles, felicitarles y exhortarles para que continúen con su labor. De nuevo muchas felicidades! |
From: Elena Hello, |
From: Steffen I'm currently studying photography at Falmouth College of Arts and the type of images I've found here is just what I like, and has been an enormous source of inspiration... I dont have any comments, except; keep up the good work. Sincerely yours, |
From: " Warren L. Foil" Thank you for providing the calibration section of your site!! I participate in a photo-critique site ( Recently I discovered that because my monitor was horrible, I could neither view the works of others correctly, nor submit my images in the best possible quality. I have scarcely touched on the images on your site, but will mark it as a favorite and view the so far wonderful work. Again, |
From: Anna Harlan |
From: "Berrocal Gomez,
Miguel" Mi nombre es Miguel Berrocal,
soy fotógrafo profesional del diario español ABC. Quisiera
información para enviaros algo de mi propio trabajo y además
de que me incluyáis en vuestra lista de correo. |
From: Juan Carlos Guarneros Estimado Maestro: |
From: "Elliott, Gerald,
DCA" Gerald T. Elliott |
From: josegranata |
From: "marcelo rembado" Les cuento que soy director de cine y fotógrafo. Vivo en Buenos, Argentina, Zona de Caos de utópicas transformaciones y revoluciones. El mundo juega a eso mismo, no? Me encantaría recibir
material de ustedes. |
From: "Arturo"
PD : Son mi sitio de fotografia preferido. Gracias por su buen trabajo y sigan adelante. |
From: I partucularly like your galleries and portafolios. Also, and I guess an added attraction for me, I grew up in Mexico. Anyhow, hope to learn more from you. All the best |
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 20:26:32
EST Good afternoon Mr. Meyer: I am currently taking a Culture, Technology and Art class which is offered at Santa Rosa Junior College located in Northern California. The class is being taught by whom I believe you know, Ms. Judith Thorn. Ms. Thorn has introduced some of your work to us, i.e., your website, and your c.d., "Truth & Fiction." I have taken the opportunity to visit your website and find your work incredible. It is a website that I could easily spend hours exploring. I also found "Truth & Fiction" to be equally impressive. I appreciate your intention of using your art to 'stir up our spirit, emotion, political and social consciousness. |
From: JOSE H. CARVAJAL Queridos amigos, congratulation! ZoneZero es mi site favorito por favor incluyanme en su mailing list mi nombre es Jose H Carvajal, soy un estudiante de fotografia en la ciudad de California ademas tengo un centro cultural que habrio sus puertas al publico el 10 de Diciembre nuestra meta es dar a conocer valores latinoamericanos, ya sea artes platicas, fotografia analoga o digital, musica y poesia. Me gustaria tenerlos como mentors de este proyecto ya que soy de poca esperiencia. Atentamente, jose carvajal. |
From: Icons Ltd Seeing as how I've been a regular visitor to the ZoneZero site for the past couple of years , I think it's time to register. The impetus to do so has come from your 200220022002 project. It got me thinking again about the aspect of the global community. How a specific focal point, be it a theme, a belief or a joint passion, brings unrelated and unconnected people together for a moment in time or a to a point in space. The power of the web, though by no means unique in this respect, has contributed greatly to the possibilities inherent in the global community spirit. The 2002,2002,2002 project which you initiated, is a prime example. It uses the unifying aspect of time, a specific moment in history, the unifying aspect of a common passion, photography, and the unifying aspect of the web. As such its power and importance is in its very existence, quite irrespective of the quality of image displayed (many of which are beautiful and thought provoking). It is also very interesting to notice and analyze the different types of images and themes which reflect on the societies in which they were taken. As an Israeli I noticed immediately that both I and the other Israeli photographer who participated (so far), chose to photograph the news on the television (even though we focused on shots separated by a moment or so). News and current events are so central to our lives that most of us watch or listen to the news at least several times a day, especially in times like these. As a lecturer in Multimedia and Digital Photography at the Bezalel Academy of Arts & Design, Jerusalem, I follow your site closely. It is on the top of my list of recommended photography sites for my students and serves an important function in the perpetuation of the love for the craft and its potential. It would be great if you could initiate or at least support some global projects for students of photography over the world. Points for global comparison and discussion. If this sound acceptable, I for one would be happy to contribute and help. Sincerely. |
From: Melody Shekinah Winnig
I spent the past two weeks in the Sierra Madres and area around Puerto Vallarta. I was so impressed with the bounty of artists there and I kept telling people about your site, both as a place to visit and also about the wonderful community section where they might consider posting photography. Thanks again. Melody Melody Shekinah Winnig "As we are liberated from our own fears, our presence automatically liberates others." Nelson Mandela |
From: "Cmdte. Hector Coba" |
From: David Arriaga Weiss Por cierto, hace tiempo puse
como tapiz de mi compu una foto de unas calaveras de muertos que tomé
del sitio. Ingratamente no recuerdo de quién es. Y resulta que
me cambiaron el equipo y desapareció el tapiz. ¿Teacuerdas
de quién es, para buscarla y volver a ponerla? |
From: Roy Flukinger Dear Pedro, I figure I have owed you a fan letter for some time now. Thank you for ZoneZero, which we have been pleased to receive since its inception. Students and researchers who have accessed it here from the Center have also been very enthusiastic about its many issues and insights. This month's contents have been no different. From the excellence of your editorial and Mraz's piece on Alvarez Bravo to the sad idiocy of the Wigoder essay, your contents are always illuminating and well worth the read. Pray continue with such excellence. And if the resources of our Collection may be of future assistance to you please do not hesitate to let us know Sincerely yours, Roy |
From: "Itzel Aguilera
González" Hola Perdro Meyer: |
From: Nikki |
From: "Ezequiel" Mi nombre es ezequiel muñoz y enocntre vuestra pagina la cual me aha parecido muy interesante. Generalmente no me quedo en sitios fotograficos que tienen mucho texto, pero zone zero es la excepcion, los editoriales muy interesantes, los portfolios, la calidad , me han dejado muy satisfecho (debo seguir volviendo pa terminar de recorrer sus paginas) Soy fotografo, de buenos aires, argentina.Y junto a un amigo hacemos una revista solo de fotos (EMviciones) la cual esta en la web tambien, y seria un placer si les gusta, mandarles algunos numeros. Pueden darle una vista en ezeq |
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