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Display Case 2 (Kertész, Abbott, Smith)
For the 1964 paperback edition of Colette's novel, The Shackle, illustrator Jacqueline Schuman has produced a line drawing based on André Kertész's 1915 photograph Lovers, Budapest. Schuman (who has illustrated scores of book covers, including Violette Leduc's in the next display case) has here adopted a drawing style somewhat reminiscent of Jean Cocteau, a friend and contemporary of Colette.
Title: The Big Kiss-Off Of 1944
Author: Andrew Bergman
Publisher: Arrow Books 1976
Designer / Illustrator: Not listed.
The Arrow softcover of The Big Kiss-Off of 1944 cribs storefront, barber pole and sign from Berenice Abbott's Blossom Restaurant, 103 Bowery, Manhattan, October 24, 1935. The two figures in the cover artwork have been imported from elsewhere.
Title: The Big Kiss-Off Of 1944
Author: Andrew Bergman
Publisher: Arrow Books 1976
Designer / Illustrator: Not listed.
Finally, another edition of Orwell's The Road to Wigan Pier (see previous display case for the first copy). The source for this edition's cover artwork is documentary photographer W. Eugene Smith's 1950 image, Three Generations of Welsh Miners. In the drawing, however, one generation has been removed, and the row houses in the background have been replaced by factory smokestacks.
Title: The Road To Wigan Pier
Author: George Orwell
Publisher: Harvest (Harcourt Brace Jovanovitch, Inc.)
Designer / Illustrator: Hal Siegal.
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