Here are some comments taken from NPPA-L, the National
Press Photographers Association e-mail list server, and from
messages posted to the above address.

There has been some heated back-and-forth discussion on
the net concerning an allegedly manipulated image in the
May 1995 issue of LIFE magazine (John Filo's Kent State
Pullitzer-winning picture). The original photo shows a fence
post appearing behind the head of protestor Mary Ann
Vecchio; the photo in the May issue of LIFE does not. As
LIFE's director of photography, I wanted to respond
directly, clearly and put the matter to rest. LIFE did not
and does not manipulate news photos. The photo we published
was supplied to us by our photo library, the Time-Life
Picture Collection, the second largest such repository of
catalogued images. Amazingly, the fence post had been
airbrushed out by someone, now anonymous, in a darkroom
sometime in the early 1970s. The picture had run numerous
times, without the fencepost, and without anyone taking
notice: in TIME (Nov. 6, 1972, p. 23) PEOPLE (May 2, 1977,
p. 37), TIME (Jan. 7, 1980, p. 45), PEOPLE (April 30, 1990,
p. 117), to name just a few publications. On deadline,
while closing our May issue, the LIFE photo department
contacted photographer John Filo, hoping to secure a repro
quality print, as is customary at LIFE. Since we could not
obtain a print from him directly in time to make our run,
we went with the photo we had, not realizing a pole had
been removed. One can only wonder why the missing pole
hasn't been noticed the previous times it has appeared,
even though literally millions of people have seen the
fence-post-less photo in publications dating back 23 years.
At no time would LIFE's photo, art or production department
intentionally alter a news photograph.
>David Friend
>Director of Photography
>LIFE Magazine
The following letter is a response posted on that same
bulltetin board on the Internet:
I'm astonished that no one noticed this from 1972 until
now, until Muskegon Chronicle staff photographer Ken
Stevens pointed it out to me. Apparently Ken Stevens has
attention to detail beyond millions of people who have seen
the image over time, or has cared enough to notice it and
been outraged enough to mention it and inspire this entire
discussion. First question: How does an altered photo get
into the Time-Life Picture Collection? The Associated Press
has transmitted and re-transmitted the "real" version many
times. We have it in the Muskegon Chronicle print and
digital archives in its original version.
Second question: If this was a traditional print how is it
possible that the retouching wasn't noticed? The
reproduction of the image in LIFE indicates a "bad" job of
the removal of the fence post. Even at 72dpi on the
Michigan Press Photographers Association World Wide Web
site you can see how poorly it was done. Should this have
raised eyebrows, especially when the article was dedicated
to the capturing of 4 historical moments that "altered the
way we thought and felt about ourselves." Digital images
are very easy to alter. Our readers know that this can
happen, so why should they believe what they see? They
should be ABLE to believe that what they see is indeed a
"photographic record" of what was actually there, because
of the credibility of the SOURCE of the information. The
photographer, therefore, has a huge burden of
responsibility to maintain the credibility of his images,
and the employer (publisher) in turn has a burden or
responsibility to the photographer as well as the reader to
do the same. Readers should be able to believe our product
because of the SOURCE. We need to achieve our own level of
excellence and, personally, be leaders to maintain the
credibility of our profession. This must be done by each
individual. Once the SOURCE cannot be believed,
photojournalism is dead.
Brian Masck
Technology Coordinator, Muskegon Chronicle
Michigan Press Photographers Association
