The Renaissance of
P h o t o g r a p
h y
A Keynote Address by

at the SPE Conference,
Los Angeles, California

t's with the greatest of pleasures that I take this
opportunity to share with you a few thoughts and ideas
regarding the technological sea changes brought about on
photography, which I believe will affect all of us here
If you can believe this, at one time I was also ten years old. Between my tenth and thirteenth year, my life changed
completely: I had discovered the existence of photography.
I can well
remember those moments when I would hold my breath as my
eyes visited those little white sheets of paper immersed
under a liquid, watching as the magic of the image would
appear before my very eyes. I must tell you that I thought
that those precious moments of shear amazement would never
come back to me, ever again.
But lo-and-behold they have, almost forty years later, with
the appearance of personal computers. Only this time the
initial excitement has never ceased; every week there is yet
a new development which makes last week's surprise look
tame in comparison. Twelve years later, the magic continues
for me on a daily basis, it never ends, because I'm always
What had captured my imagination as a child were some very
modest sheets of paper, exposed by contact and developed in
tiny 5x7 trays precariously placed over the toilet seat.
What has captured my imagination more recently has been the
Internet, a medium which offers something just as unassuming
but exhilarating as those initial small images. Only this
time they appear on the screen instead of the developer.
Here I am, fifty years later, being able to tell you with
great excitement that my days of childhood are starting all
over again.
Nice as this sounds, I also know that what I find so
exciting and pleasurable is not every person's cup of tea. I
am well aware that for many of you the simple idea of "new
technologies" causes ripples to go down your spine.
Already Nicoló Machiavelli identified in his most famous
work, The Prince (1532), "Nothing more difficult than to
invent a new system, nothing more dangerous, since the
possibilities for success are few. Whoever wants to build a
new system makes enemies of all those who benefited and had
privileges in the old system, and will receive little support
from those that will derive the most benefit from the new
order. Their reservation is due on the one hand to their
fear of those that oppose them, the defenders of the old
regime, and on the other, their skepticism; they don't
believe in the new as long as its superiority has not been
Let us listen to the words published on the Internet by a
modern day skeptic: "In a culture where new and alluring
technology tends to easily seduce us by its wonder into a
kind of sleepy stupidity, we need personal defenses for
protection from our own dangerously naive enthusiasm. In
this world of blinding techno-hype, our survival demands
that we learn to shield ourselves from the seductions of
technological eloquence"
