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Ross Sonnenberg

"For the past eight years I have been learning to live with a chronic illness called Systemic Lupus.

Lupus is an autoimmune disease that causes our immune system to be overactive. Instead of fighting colds and infections, it attacks healthy areas of the body like joints, the major organs, muscles and different areas of the whole body. It leaves its victims fatigued and in chronic pain".

Ross Sonnenberg

  (12 black and white and 10 color photographs)

Peter Essick

"From north to south the Japan Alps divide the island of Honshu. On the Pacific Ocean side is the Japan that most of us know - modern, urban and industrialized. On the other side of Honshu, in a region called the Rim of the Sea of Japan, lies another Japan. It is distinct both in geography and character. The region is primarily rural with a slow pace of life".

Peter Essick

  (20 color photographs)

Jorge Sáenz

"The juvenile prison in Paraguay, as it exists at present is solely a punishment without any intent for rehabilitation, an arbitrary imposition which does not seek to teach any norm. Its sole objective is that the prisoner suffers, feels bad, and experiences humiliation. There is nothing but retaliation".

Jorge Sáenz

(26 black and white photographs)

Cristina García Rodero

"I tried to photograph the mysterious, true and magical soul of popular Spain in all its passion, love, humor, tenderness, rage, pain, in all its truth; and the fullest and most intense moments in the lives of these characters as simple as they are irresistible, with all their inner strength, as a personal challenge that gave me strength and understanding and in which I invested all my heart".

Cristina García Rodero

  (27 black and white photographs)

"Some pictures are simple and complete inside my head from the beginning, but most of my images start with the inspiration of the objects. It may be something found in a junk shop, washed up on the beach near where I live or something from my past -wooden letters from a childhood game, my palette from my art school days".

Paul Biddle

(16 color photographs)

Joaquín Santamaría

"Santamaría, born in la Antigua Veracruz in 1890, was a baker in Veracruz and in Coatepec when he was a boy, and years after, in his youth, worked as a photographer's assistant specializing in photographic enlargements; later on he became the official photographer for the newspaper El Dictamen and illustrator for the Navy. Santamaría's different occupations led him through practically every inch of the port."


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  (72 black and white photographs)

Paul D'amato

"I wanted to make pictures that were emotionally vivid and irrefutably real -that expressed the human drama of urban living. I didn't discover Pilsen until 1988, the summer before leaving Chicago to take a teaching job in Maine."

Paul D'amato

(23 color photographs)

Jacqueline Hayden

"Since 1996 I have been developing my current work, Ancient Statuary Series. This work is based on creating digital composites of my photographs of elderly figure models and photographs I make of ancient statuary in situ. During an extended visit to Rome in 1995 I discovered the historical precedents for compositing body parts with different statuary bodies. "

Jacqueline Hayden

  (11 black and white photographs)

Maruch Sántiz

"I wrote the creencias with their meanings so that they do not disappear from Chamula's culture and tradition. "

Maruch Sántiz

(27 black and white photographs)

Rommert Boonstra

"I try to find the pictures that operate beneath the surface, that are behind trees, that have hidden themselves between the rocks. My work deals with silence, with the passage of time, it deals with dreams dreamed with open eyes and invented memories. I am looking for the doors in my head, to see what is hidden behind them. When I told my seven year old son this, as an answer to the question what I do in my studio all the time, he replied: there's a monster behind one of those doors and it will eat you. "

Rommert Boonstra

(29 black and white photographs)

Mari Mahr

"A selection of my work was collected to form the retrospective exhibition and the book entitled Between Ourselves. I can't possibly express my feelings more adequately than the dedication in my book: 'The inspiration for my photographs comes from my family home —our apartment in Budapest, where I grew up. My concerns about environmental and human issues were fuelled by those of my mother whose compassion for nature and humanity left an indelible mark on me.' "

Mari Mahr

  (80 black and white and color photographs)

Gerd Ludwig

"My photographs record quite a different version of the former USSR than the one that had been projected by National Geographic during the gloomiest period of the Cold War. Images of the bald children of Chernobyl and the limbless children of Moscow disclose a deeply disturbing truth: birth defects and infant mortality —not just in the vicinity of a major atomic catastrophe, but even in the ailing empire's once proud capital— strike the peoples of this land at twice the rate found in the industrial nations of the West. "

Gerd Ludwig

  (19 color photographs)

Jerry Uelsmann

"The digital evolution is now providing artists with exciting new alternative ways of generating images. While I am interested in these computer options, I still have a basic love of the darkroom and the alchemy it embraces. All of the images on this site were created totally in the darkroom."

Jerry Uelsmann

  (20 black and white and color photographs)

Bruce Benderson/Santiago Echeverry

We are beginning to see work that has been created with the Web in mind. In this particular instance we present the work by Colombian photographer Santiago Echeverry, who also did much of the programming and design in collaboration with Bruce Benderson from the USA, who wrote the texts and did most of the research. These two artists came together and produced an interactive piece in the spirit of the old video games in the arcades of Times Square. Your player is Babyface. You've got the money, and if you play him right the game will last longer. The subject matter of this essay is related to the Gay culture and the drug scene in the eighties in the area of Times Square in New York City.

[Viewers under eighteen are clearly advised to refrain from visiting this exhibition.]

  (63 color photographs)


"Let me introduce three men who wrote different letters to me: Dan Biferie from Florida, Shahidul Alam from Bangladesh and E.R. Beardsley from California. In these letters I found comments either about a father, or about their sons, which when I first read them left me very emotional. I could only describe such letters as myth shattering, the myth being that men do not talk —or write— about intimate matters to other men. What also caught my attention was that all those involved in these letters, either as protagonists, authors or me, as recipient, are male figures."

Pedro Meyer

  (7 toned and black and white photographs)

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