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Eniac Martínez
"Camino Real de Tierra adentro"
"The Camino Real began as faint footpaths carved by native traders as they exchanged goods between north and south. Spanish explorers etched it deeper during their expeditions northward to claim land and riches for the King or Spain. Thousands of migrants, miners, missionaries, and merchants followed over the next 400 years. The trail that began as a scratch in the earth is now a bustling highway with cars zipping by and planes flying overhead."
Eniac Martínez
(50 black & white photographs)
Gilles Perrin
"Tibet 2004 -2006"
"I have traveled to Tibet for two reportages, in 2004 and 2006. During this time I have seen the impact of the evolution of the development of both Chinese and “western tourism” in many ways, particularly with the introduction of the train Beijing-Lhasa. The Chinese colonization is apparent in both the cities and countryside, bringing with it the development of increasing transit infrastructure. This country, until recently feudal, is entering the 21st century, repeating all the mistakes made by the western world both unrealistically and culturally."
Gilles Perrin
(30 black & white photographs)
Pep Bonet
"Faith in Chaos"
"Faith in Chaos I named my photography project about hope in post-war Sierra Leone. For six years already, I have been capturing the lifes of Sierra Leonean youngsters whilst they are creating chances for themselves in a land where opportunities are very rare. Even before the war, Sierra Leone was the poorest country on earth (UNDP figures). It still is, and now it's in shambles too."
Pep Bonet
(45 black & white photographs)
Munem Wasif
"Tainted Tea"
"This is the tale of ‘Tainted Tea’. Sprawling green hills, petit women in colourful saris, picking tea leaves and throwing them into the tukri on their back — the image we are shown. A picture perfect tale of harmony and prosperity, as portrayed by the many tea companies, is what belies modern day slavery."
Munem Wasif
(24 color and black & white photographs)
Winslow Martin
"Armenia is a mountainous land of strong, passionate people. In the early part of the Twentieth century Armenians suffered the devastation of genocide and deportations from their ancestral homeland. A global diaspora followed, sending Armenians to establish new communities wherever they went. Foremost amongst them was what became the Soviet Republic of Armenia, situated in the Caucuses, at the cultural and geographic divide between Europe and Asia.
Today, 15 years after the collapse of the USSR, Armenia is an independent, if troubled, nation. The weight of the past and hardships of the present cloud Armenia's future."
Winslow Martin
(35 black & white photographs)
Guy Veloso
"Somewhere between Faith and Fever"
"The pictures of Brazilian Guy Veloso show the frantic search for the sacred. The photos were taken in different religious manifestations deep in the heart of his country, and they intend to reveal how that thin -and always mutating- line that separates religiousness from fanaticism, is managed in Brazil in a natural manner.
“Somewhere between Faith and Fever" is both an artistic and an anthropological study, an “archeology of imagery” of forgotten corners of the map: It is a good time to make known that gigantic melting pot of symbols that Brazil is."
Guy Veloso
(34 color and black & white photographs)
AC Junior
"Baixo Estácio"
"Located in the Estácio District, near the Sambódromo, Baixo Estácio is what remains from the old Praça Onze. Its architecture dates from late nineteenth century and early twentieth century.
To walk through Baixo Estácio is like going back to the time of the characters that created the “Theme Samba”. These badly conserved buildings, now occupied by small villas, car repair shops and bars, are where some of the characters that participated in the historic beginning of the Rio Carnival, are still living. Many of them still participate in the Carnival with some “Bambas do Estácio” (The Masters of Estácio), and paraded in the first registered samba school: a Deixa Falar (Let Me Speak)."
AC Junior
Frederick Baldwin
"Dear Monsieur Picasso"
"As I drove up the high winding road to the Villa la Californie, I thought back over the last few days. It was my last summer of freedom. Next year, I would be a college graduate looking for a job and trying to settle down. I would have to be satisfied with reading about the people and parts of the world that interested me. In the summer of 1955 I had won a reprieve, a stay of adult responsibility until 1956.
I wanted to see Pablo Picasso. I don’t suppose that anybody felt less qualified or had less of an excuse than I did. But to me he was a compelling, attractive imaginary companion who had coached many of my dreams about creativity, not excluding a Riviera blue sea, hot sun; and sexual robustness."
Frederick Baldwin
Maggie Taylor
"Now and Then"
"For more than eight years now I have been using a flatbed scanner instead of a traditional camera to record and interpret the objects I collect. I frequent flea markets and search on Ebay for old tintypes and toys that seem to have a story to tell. Then in my studio I make small pastel drawings as backgrounds and scan each element into my computer separately. Using Photoshop I am able to arrange and play with these layers in much the same way that I worked with objects in my studio for a still life photograph."
Maggie Taylor
Pepe Guzmán
"Exploration is a work of digital compositions, its goal is to de-contextualize the function of a flat scanner (a device for the use of the mass), in order to look for new visual possibilities for an apparently cold and utilitarian technological device. I produced photography without a lens, thus transforming it into an artistic tool."
Pepe Guzmán
Franco Donaggio
"I see the metropolis as a space in which to play, a large supermarket where you can shop with your eyes, without having to pay.
I often return home and empty my camera of the things I have seen, then I "wash" them of meaning and recompose them into intimate collages..."
Franco Donaggio
Katharina Mouratidi
"Breast Cancer"
"For the series Breast Cancer I portrayed 22 women, all of whom I found through the placement of short advertisements in Berlin newspapers. I did not select them, but accepted them in the sequence of their phone calls so as to give all women interested the possibility of participation, independent of their physical state or health"
Katharina Mouratidi
Beth Yarnelle Edwards
"Photographs from California, France and Spain"
"Sometimes, I’m so interested in what’s going on with people in their homes that I want to know what’s in the closet or under the bed. In my photographs I aspire to tell the viewer not just about what can be seen, but also about things that are hidden and locked away."
Beth Yarnelle Edwards
Lili Almog
"Bed Sequence"
"The portrait of a woman in her private chamber reveal and uncover of the layers of personality that may be beneath what is overtly apparent.
While a common theme directs my actions, each portrait becomes a kind of unplanned exploration of the sitter and myself."
Lili Almog
Francisco Mata
"Mexico Tenochtitlan"
"One of the greatest pleasures my craft has given me is, without a doubt, the experience of the streets, our popular culture fed by a sense of belonging, tradition, imposition, history, resistance, violence, love of the land, solidarity, malice, music, sensuality, hopes and fears; to experience the street is to observe, listen, feel, smell and share... in order, finally, to photograph."
Francisco Mata
(56 black & white photographs)
Wyatt Gallery
"Katrina-Tsunami, Remnants after the storm"
"Hurricane Katrina.
I'm on the plane returning from my second trip photographing in New Orleans and I feel depressed. Not really sad but more depressed, upset, angry in a way... hurt almost. I'm having flashbacks of desolate, abandoned New Orleans. Day after day of going to a new neighborhood and continually being surprised by the never-ending devastation, by the utter and complete emptiness that has become the norm.
The Tsunami – Sri Lanka.
Two weeks after the Tsunami occurred in southern Sri Lanka, I arrived in the small island nation with a need to be more closely involved in the general recovery efforts. I felt I had to go in order to help but I didn't know what I could really do or with whom I could work."
Wyatt Gallery
Pok Chi Lau
"China 1979-2005 Asian-Americans"
"After doing this work for over 30 years I am lost for words as for a statement of work. I live in my work, and I escape from it every once in a while to see what I am up to. The context is so complex because it is not about what I have done, but my perception of the world of China in her contemporary history, most of which gets lost in translation."
Pok Chi Lau
(34 black & white and color photographs)
Elaine Ling
"Cuba chronicles"
"In Cuba, an island caught between the grandeur of old world glory and the decay of the immediate epoch, I found an urban landscape that reflects a struggle between daily life and the slow forces of Nature, and a religion that has superimposed the old world African demigods onto the new world Roman Catholic saints."
Elaine Ling
(30 black & white photographs)
Giorgio Viera
"Cuba-Mexico, Parallel Stories"
"Mexicaltzingo, Rebel Territory. At the heart of the city of Guadalajara, Mexico, we find the old quarter of Mexiclatzingo; nowadays divided in several different communities that apparently have set themselves aside from society.
Happy Peasants, Cuba maintains certain social spaces that seem to have been forgotten by History. The farmers of the island still live in backwardness, with a lesser quality of life and healthcare.
Shipyards, 1998 In the Havana Bay, which has been isolated from the rest of the world, obsolete technology is a major problem. "
Giorgio Viera
(33 black & white photographs)
Pablo Garber
"NY-NY Not your New York"
"I have known New York in several occasions, each time in a different fashion either as a tourist, a student, a street vendor or as a longshoreman. I was "taken" immediately by the city, by a series of snapshots that I cannot forget, like musicians playing in the subway, the great inventiveness in the Midtown shop windows, the incredible views from the bridges overlooking the Hudson, the super sized museums, the extravagance of the people either in a Halloween night or on the lawns of Central Park.
Pablo Garber
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