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Alessandra Sanguinetti

I focus on that border just before puberty,when the child glimpses the contradictions of the adult world.

(18 black and white photographs)

Helen Zout

Photo essay about argentinian children with AIDS.

(8 black and white photographs)

Tatiana Parcero

By means of combining pictures of fragments of my body with diagrams from anatomy as well as old codices, I have constructed maps - metaphoric/rituals- and reinvented my history.

(16 color photographs)

Pablo Cabado

Many years of intimate moments with his Havana.

(23 black and white photographs)

Michael Najjar

How to get the Cuban reality into a picture? How to document the absurd? These questions lead to some basic thoughts about documentary photography.

(12 black and white photographs)

Emiliano Thibaut

As a documentary photographer, my conflict was the mix of truth and fiction which led to a calm tension in the territories controlled by the Zapatistas.

(14 color and black and white photographs)


Vigovisiones is the name of one of the best kept little secrets in the world of photography. This unique project which consisted mainly of inviting a number of (39 to date) photographers over a number of years to come and spend as long as they needed, to photograph the city of Vigo as they saw fit. We are very pleased to be able to show you, an excerpt of each portfolio in order to acquaint you with this unique venture.

(119 color and black and white photographs)

This work becomes a personal diary where I mold the emotional aura surrounding my Palestinian Christian and Polish Jewish family as I was growing up in El Salvador.

This exhibit contains audio files. It requires Macromedia Shockwave plug-in for audio.

(13 black and white photographs)

Sylvia de Swaan

Five years ago I ventured to the almost forgotten region of my early childhood to retrace routes my family traversed as refugees in 1945.

(12 black and white photographs)

The gypsies are part of my life. When I was a young kid my mother was telling me "if you are not a nice boy the gypsies will take you with them". The images which I exhibit here were taken 40 years ago and are published only now.

This exhibit contains audio files. It requires Macromedia Shockwave plug-in for audio.

(16 black and white photographs)

Georges Dayan

Ten years after the 26th of April 1986 explosion of reactor No.4 at the Chernobyl nuclear station, I visited the people and the evacuees of that devastated area of Russia and Belarus.

(20 black and white photographs)

Martín Weber

Webers images represent an intimate approach to people's wishes, and hopes. They reveal to us their dreams as they annotate these on a small blackboard.

(20 black and white photographs)

Linda Troeller

Linda Troeller shows in her photographs the marriage between human beings and water. People diving into the waters to find relief and cure.

(14 color photographs)

Gilberto Chen

Men and women that dare to be different, interest me. A shaved head morbidly attracts my attention . I ask myself if the baldness might be due to a disease. The appearance is one of being healthy, I would like to know what is going inside while being compelled to make an image.

(10 black and white photographs)

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