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Marcos López

" In short, this is the never ending search for identity in a country that was built with people that came off the ships. The tango we have inside. To reflect the double discourse of Modernity. All this I try to show in my photographs. Besides that, now I'm taking pictures for fun and to exorcise the pain because my girl left me."

(21 color photographs)

Dore Gardner

Jose Fidencio Sintora Constantino was born in Guanajuato 1898 and lived in Espinazo, Nuevo Leon in northeastern Mexico. He worked in the ways of the traditional healers, preparing medicines from herbs and plants, and in mysterious ways with the supernatural."

(25 black and white photographs)

Xosé Luis Suárez Canal

In the "Invisible World" we encounter three mythic representations. The "School Teacher" by Magritte, the sculptures of Mario Giacometti and the founder and king of corinth: Sisyphus.

(16 black and white photographs)

Barry Lewis

An insightful and erotic view of the Olympic City, Atlanta.

(17 color photographs)

Adriana Lestido

"During a whole year I regularly visited the prison every week to take pictures of women with their children. I soon learned that my ideas of the situation were far too romantic."

(17 black and white photographs) ;

Dan Biferie

"Although I love the beauty of a straight silver print, with this technology, I can create images that before I could only imagine."

(26 sepia photographs)

Manuel Sendón

"I was invited to participate in a group show on "Landscapes" so it occurred to me that instead of making landscape images myself, I ought to explore the use that is being made of landscape pictures themselves."

(17 color photographs)

Micke Berg

" I can imagine Micke Berg resting on a park bench, dressed in some ageless clothing with his camera propped up as a headrest. Next to him is a small flag, swaying happily in the wind. On it, is a quote from Jan Erik Vold: It is hopeless and we won't give in." Nina Lekander Nina Lekander

(24 black and white photographs)

Looking at the people which comprise the Bolivian economy, among which one can find the coca harvest.

(19 black and white photographs)

Lourdes Grobet

The mask in mexican politics and culture.

(16 photographs) '

Marisol Fernández

" This work is a homage to my father precisely now, two years after his death."

(17 color images)

Laura Cohen

"I document what I experience and feel through metaphors that I create photographing objects."

(18 black and white photographs)

Maya Goded

"Black people are the third root of that melting pot of what is contemporary Mexico. As a minority, with a culture which is threatened with extinction, I was interested to capture their present day customs and ways of life."

(25 black and white photographs)

Joseph Rodríguez

"I see Los Angeles as a post-modern Wild West where everyone has a gun and they use it. La vida loca, or the crazy life, is what they call the barrio gang experience. " With an essay by Rubén Martínez.

(40 black and white photographs)


Lars Tunbjörk

A country beside itself- "When the economic boom finally peaked, fifteen years of accumulated alienation came rushing toward us. I, and many with me, stood there, dead sober in the dawn, surrounded by the collapsed Swedish model which had constituted our whole society."

(22 color photographs)

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