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Shahidul Alam
"Brahmaputra, a journey to the source of Asia greatest river"

"It started from a longing to cross other boundaries. Reaching across boundaries of time, across boundaries of political space, across racial and cultural barriers of language, race and religion. To go back in time to how our environs were created. The answer lay in a river. Amazing as much for its physical grandeur as for the history hidden in its rocks and its exuberant flow. The Brahmaputra. The son of Brahma."

Shahidul Alam

This exhibit requires the QuickTime plug-in.

(23 color photographs)


Don Gregorio Anton
"The total sum of solitudes"

"The work is based on a belief that photography is the evidence of sight which can be addressed and healed through observation. I create imagery to help navigate and formulate my right to see, to accommodate the positioning of my soul in the world. From here I locate and determine that thin layer of reality that surrounds perception and align my vision to that which guides and teaches. I use the residual affect of silver and light to record a source of inquiry into the mysteries that surround me."

Don Gregorio Anton

(25 black & white photographs)


José Enrique Sternberg
"Tren Blanco"
The train of the cardboard-pickers

"'Cartoneros' (cardboard-pickers) who now sum up to 30,000 persons, travel every day to Buenos Aires city from the peripherials in different transportations, fundamentally by railroad.

The images in this exhibition show how this people travel daily in the interiors of Ferrocarril Metropolitano's freight cars, totally deteriorated without the minimun sanitary infrastructure, however this railroad company charges them a monthly fee, equivalent to a day's salary..."

José Enrique Sternberg

This exhibit requires the Flash 7.0. plug-in.

(11 black & white photographs)

Liz Darlington

"In this series of travel images, significant moments in time worthy of the travel snapshot are composited into amalgams that intend to subvert the travel photographer’s intention of capturing the decisive moment, that is, a specific moment in time and place. They seek to question the relationship between photographic representation and memory. Our nostalgic view of personal experience is frequently undefined, distorted and defies chronological temporality"

Liz Darlington

This exhibit requires the Flash 7.0. plug-in.

(20 black & white photographs)


Li Zhensheng
"Red-Color News Soldier"
A unique archive, hidden for over 30 years.

"For a long time in the Western world, Mao Zedong and the Cultural Revolution were perceived with amazement and fascination; only very rarely with horror. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, rioting students around the world were inspired by the finger-pointing, slogan-shouting style of the Red Guards.

Even today, all the chaos of that period can seem somewhat romantic and idealistic in comparison with the contemporary Chinese society we see and hear about. With this in mind, it was necessary to produce a clearer and more truthful image of the violent turmoil that turned China upside down during the Cultural Revolution. Li Zhensheng was the one person who, through his exceptional photographic legacy, could convey an authentic vision of this tragic period".

Robert Pledge

This exhibit requires the Flash 7.0. plug-in.

(23 black&white photographs)

"There is a Country..."
Rosa Revsin´s photographs.

Juan Rulfo’s writings have not inspired these photographs. On the contrary, some where in my mind, a new sense of the images spawned off when it encountered the texts of these wonderful stories, in which the living and the dead coexist with no clear boundaries. Therefore, “There is a Country” is not an attempt to describe; it is just my tribute to Rulfo’s greatness and to the greatness of his characters, tragically reborn today in Latin America’s underprivileged masses.

Rosa Revsin, November 2003.

This exhibit requires the Flash 7.0. plug-in.

(18 black & white photographs)

Asim Rafiqui
"Trapped in someone else's dream"

"In the rush towards finding peace in the Middle East we seem to have lost sight of the occupation. Ironically, the current 'road map' to peace does not even mention that the Palestinians are people under occupation. The occupation however is a daily lived reality for the millions of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. Its implications are starkly apparent in places like Rafah, Gaza; a town of about 100,000 habitants in Southern Gaza."

Asim Rafiqui

This exhibit requires the Flash 7.0. plug-in.

(25 black&white photographs)

Juri Nesterov

"The youth (early years) of these people coincided with the middle of the 20th century. That was a hard time. Stalin dictatorship, War against Hitler. The time of War, hardship and repressions. They all took part in the biggest fight of The World War 2 - battle for Stalingrad. More than 1 million militaries from each side participated in it. It was the time when "human life worth nothing" - one of the characters said then."

Juri Nesterov

(22 black & white photographs)


Proyecto Abril

"The April Project outlived the month that gave it its name and became this wide range of exciting glimpses, as if the original limitation had never existed. 17 different wills became a single photographer, restlessly shooting in many different places, living many lives at the same time. An entire life can be seen in the blink of an eye."

Daniel Merle

This exhibit requires the Flash 7.0. plug-in.

( black & white and color photographs)

Julio López Saguar

"Inside, Under, Behind"

"What about that drum set half covered by a cloth in a garage? Does it hide a famous rock band or a group of friends that will put their heart and soul into a dead end music career that will bitterly end in a few short years?

We all hide unmentionable secrets behind our own façade sometimes we cover them under the gauze of our smile or we hide them very deeply, only to let them out when we are not seen by anyone".

Julio Lopez Saguar

(25 color photographs)


Ken Merfeld

"There is an elegant simplicity and a purity to 19th. Century photography and the Wet-Plate Collodion process is illusive, magical, and has a life of chemical interpretation all its own. It is the most intimate of photographic experiences, requiring a psychological exchange of intellect and emotions rendering handcrafted heart and soul portraits."

Ken Merfeld

This exhibit requires the Flash 7.0. plug-in.

(26 black & white photographs)

Daniel Milnor

"Those around me keep asking, “why,” but I never seem to find an answer. Perhaps there is no “why,” there is nothing deeper than the experience of creating for selfish reasons.

This is not sad, this is enlightening.

If they dig too deep they might not like what they find, and why does there even have to be a “why?’ Is it for ego, for textbooks, is it learned artistic behavior?

Daniel Milnor

(32 black and white photographs)

This exhibit requires the QuickTime 6.0 plug-in.

Salvelio Meyer
"Processions and transitions"

"Processions and Transitions reflects how I see what is happening in modern Spain. It is also a tribute to Machado, and to the many other poets, artists and intellectuals who have shown Spanish culture in all its complexity and beauty, without resorting to the clichéd aspects used in so many documents about this magical land."

Salvelio Meyer

This exhibit requires the QuickTime 6.0 plug-in.

(19 black and white photographs)

Pericles Lavat
"Your father waz here, motha' fuckers"

Photos of an abandoned jailhouse

“One of the rites of man when arriving to a new site, when occupying a place -whether as a house or as a work space- is to erect an altar.

We fill the walls and furniture with objects that speak of who we are and why".

Pericles Lavat

(21 color photographs)

This exhibit requires the QuickTime 6.0 plug-in.

Leonardo Liberman
"Two Worlds, One Story"

"I approached the world of special children for three months, in a public school in Buenos Aires. Up to then I did not know many aspects, how they were like, how they relate to each other, how they live with the same ideas we have."

Leonardo Liberman

This exhibit requires the QuickTime 6.0 plug-in.

(14 black and white photographs)

Humberto Farro
"Bar El Chino"

"On the walls of "El Chino" bar, with their 50 years of history and memories, there are pictures, paintings, autographs and posters randomly placed next to a couple of singers and a guitar, this is sufficient to take us back to a past that is not that far awayin terms of time, but very far from our present reality. A past that we are losing."

Humberto Farro

This exhibit requires the Flash 7.0. plug-in.

(20 black and white photographs)

Pablo San Juan

"I remember that when he returned form his first trip to south East Asia, Pablo wanted to do a series of photographs dedicated to the theme of water. This, I believe, was due to the rich and varied nuances that this meteorological phenomenon generates when it is reproduced on photographic paper."

Nuria Enguita

This exhibit requires the Flash 7.0. plug-ins.

(27 black and white photographs)

Daniel Machado
The Rodelu Family

"This work deals with the relentless effect time has on a family, the exhaustion, the deterioration and the solitude in a house that gradually was inhabited by the absences"

Daniel Machado

This exhibit requires the Flash 7.0. plug-in.

(20 color photographs)

Barry Jackson

"The images I produce are representations of my imagination at specific moments in time recorded by me as a way of remembering thoughts and ideas I once had."

Barry Jackson

This exhibit requires the QuickTime 6.0 and the Flash 7.0. plug-ins.

(13 color and black and white photographs)

Diego Levy

"As a photographer, I always liked the detective genre. In the last three years I established direct contact with the street violence in Buenos Aires, even when these cases had little interes for the newspapers, I thought that it was an interesting and rick topic."

Diego Levy.

Parental or teacher guidance
adviced for people under 18.

This exhibit requires the QuickTime 6.0 and the Flash 7.0. plug-ins.

(26 black & white photographs)

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