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Fernando Montiel Klint
Attitudes before the camera, I record the instantaneous
situations with no further purpose than the photographic
Hotel. The mind game of undressing people and through
this photographic sequence I made it tangible.
Tres. This project is based on Freud's psychic apparatus
(Ego, Super Ego and Id). I Stage in photographs the
conscious and subconscious though my three persons
based on this scheme, through self-representation
based on previous draughts."
Montiel Klint
color photographs)
"The Street Dentist"
Mia, a Fifty-five years old self taught dentist, sits
on the footpath to attend his patients. This is an
everyday scene for the people of Saver bazaar, approximately
thirty kilometers away from Dhaka."
Bablu Chowdury
black & white photographs)
Eder Chiodetto
"The Writer's Place"
is Writer's places? Here we see visual records of
physical spaces, and we feel psychological ones as
well, which certainly surpass the former. What is
the writer's place? Everywhere. As is the place of
photography, it is everywhere, eternally searching;
it surrounds and follows its object of desire and
of perpetuation."
Boris Kossoy
black & white photographs)
"Fair of Senses"
of Senses is an investigation of the use of color
in photography through the genuine Brazilian culture.
The project is an experience that explores the colors
in São Cristovão Fair, a show of Brazilian
northeast regional traditions in the heart of Rio
de Janeiro."
Marcelo Correa
color photographs)
Leonor Solis
"So close, so foreign, so own, so distant"
live in strange times, everywhere is filled with contrasts,
almost simultaneously; I can see places with the highest
technologies opposed places that are yet to have the
most basic services, that seem to be lost in time.
Thousands of intertwined social, political economic
and historical reasons generate this reality."
Leonor Solis
black & white photographs)
from the Vernacular Urban Landscape"
images are both a record of, and comment on, the contemporary
vernacular landscape. Working primarily in downtown
Dallas, Texas, I have been looking at signs and text
(particularly the hand-painted), small, marginal and/or
closed businesses, parking lot kiosks and pay boxes,
and I am beginning to look at the other spaces and
resources we set aside for automobiles, and how the
city is designed to accommodate them."
Peter Calvin
color photographs)
Johannes Hepp
"The days after"
series 'The days after' shows daily life in a new
era of terror, referring to the movie 'The day after'
that expressed the fear of a nuclear escalation in
the 80's.
These urban spaces become crystallization points in
which social relationships and collective experiences
are registered, bearing witness to an era that will
go into history as 'The era of terror'."
Johannes Hepp
color photographs)
M. Dobal
wants to know if we can be moved by the antithesis
of our daily landscapes. Is it possible that we feel
any solidarity with the misfortune of those far from
us, thousands of kilometers away, in places we have
never been?"
Lavina Madeira Ribeiro
color photographs)
Patricia Aridjis
"The Black Hours"
prison has hundreds of sad stories, stories of forsaking,
of ill treatment, of inconditional love. Stories told
over and over, a litany of pain that cannot be forgotten.
To enter you have to walk through a long tunnel which
leads to an almost completely feminine world, a world
with no living colors, but beige and navy blue of
the uniforms."
Patricia Aridjis
black & white photographs)
The re-invention of a world
Lourdes Morales - Javier Toscano
Binet Project, in its photographic section, is a proposal
developed in a center for people with mental illness.
What is sought is the communal configuration of a
visual experience.
From the beginning we were aware that a project with
a truly creative proposition could not put aside the
everyday life of the people living in the center or
their capability to relate to their environment through
fantasy, thus the work would end up with the usual
outcome, in which people from a determined place are
labeled as the others without the opportunity of introducing
themselves as a we."
Lourdes Morales - Javier Toscano
color photographs)
Bruno Veiga
"Casa de Bamba"
color and warmth are enlaced in his approach to the
world of the stars of the "Old School" of
the Carioca samba of Rio de Janeiro.
The development of this truly “suburban”
music followed the growth of Rio de Janeiro's peripheral
zones. In those increasingly large and populated areas,
the internal migrations of part of the urban middle
class and other more humble society sectors have built
up a social identity that bears a quite definite profile,
with a very peculiar projection over its cultural
aspects, particularly those related to the visual
arts and music."
Juan Travnik
color photographs)
Anders Clausen
"Postcards from Paradise"
asylum seekers have no influence over how or in which
context the photographer’s images represent
them in the media. That is why I – in collaboration
with the Danish Red Cross Asylum Department –
decided to give 100 disposable cameras to asylum seekers
in centers across Denmark. I wanted to let them represent
themselves with images that would shape our opinion
about them."
Anders Clausen
color photographs)
"With the eyes of the other"
Borges demonstrates in her photography works, her
preference for operating with a second “reality”,
with the effects of a “reality” mediated
by the 'look of the other', the man and the woman."
Flor Marlene
color photographs)
Francoise and Daniel Cartier
their photograms - each of which, by the way, is a
one-off image - Françoise and Daniel Cartier
combine an archaic photographic technique with objects
that are part and parcel of contemporary life and
modern consumer society.
present in the traces, indeed almost tangible marks,
they leave on the paper, they are at the same time
absent, slowly fading away in the manner of an afterimage
behind closed eyelids."
Martin Gasser
Pontus Charleville
"New York Blue"
project is about showing what I, as an outsider, see
and get confused about in a society that differs from
what I have experienced before. I was brought up in
Stockholm, Sweden, and coming to New York City meant
a lot of social changeovers."
Pontus Charleville
black & white photographs)
"New York City - The Year After"
York City: The Year After' is a photographic project
about the psychological and behavioral consequences
of the 9/11 attacks on the people of New York City.
The pictures were shot from 9/11/2001 to 9/11/2002.
This porject is a subjective and expressive study
about the consequences of 9/11 in the social landscape
of New York City."
Santiago Bustamante
color photographs)
Numo Rama
"Zona Zero"
as a documentary form has evolued significantly in
awareness of man inserted in his social context; hence
he considers himself included.
document the damage caused by man's egoism included
in this social context. There is nothing new in this
Numo Rama
black & white photographs)
Popular Imagery"
began to take photographs of the Rótulos (shop
signs) in the 1970s. Their sense of humor and originality
were the main features that caught my attention. Since
then, I have sought for them and I am convinced that
I will preserve them forever."
Enrique Soto
color and black & white photographs)
Davida Kidd
"Base Imprints"
recent body of work titled "Base Imprints"
consists of digitally composite “types”
which subtly explore impressions of the fragility
and ferocity of pre-pubescence.
There is an experimental measure of violence and perversity
in childhood play that is part and parcel of developing
a conscience."
color photographs)
Michael Dozortsev
"Life is a picture solely painted by the colors of destiny. People are as different as their destinies- yet all of them look at a life with identical eyes. It thrills me that it is possible to take a look at the world, and be able to show it to another. I very much hope that art helps people to be united and I believe this sentiment is part of the work of every artist."
Michael Dozortsev
(21 color and black & white photographs)
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